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ORDINANCE NO. 140 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CLASS SALARY <br />SCHEDULE FOR THE TOWN OF LAS ALTOS HILLS <br />FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1968-69 <br />THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. That the Class Salary Schedule of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills for the fiscal year 1968-69 be established as follows: <br />Title Range Salary Scale <br />City Clerk-Treas. 28 822-863-906.951.999 <br />Building Inspector 27 783-822-863.906-951 <br />Maintenance Man 21 584-613-644+676-710 <br />Steno -Secretary 19 530-556-584-613-644 <br />SECTION II. That the compensation fox the following appointive <br />municipal employees or officials for the fiscal year 1968-69 commencing <br />July 1, 1968, is hereby fixed: <br />City Manager $1,690 per month <br />City Attorney $ 700 per month <br />(Retainer and Secretary) <br />City Engineer $ 350 per month <br />(Retainer) <br />SECTION III. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- <br />with are hereby repealed. <br />SECTION IV. The salary range schedule as shown in Exhibit "E" is <br />hereby adopted. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED By the Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills this <br />23 nA day of tiy8 , 1968, by the following vote: <br />AYES: Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson and Mayor Aiken <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />/APPROVED. - <br />Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />