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Q <br />on the zoning map indicating the ordinance number authorizing such change and the <br />date upon which such change becomes effective. <br />3:20(A) Zoning Map. <br />3:30 Boundaries. Wherever any uncertainty exists as to the bound- <br />ary of any district as shown on the zoning map, the following regulations shall <br />,ontrol: <br />a. Where a boundary line is indicated as following a street <br />or alley, it shall be construed as following the center line thereof. <br />b. Where a boundary line is indicated as approximately <br />following a property line, the property line shall be construed to be the boundary. <br />c. Where a boundary line crosses property under one owner- <br />ship, the boundary line shall be determined by the use of the notation or scale <br />designated on the map. <br />d. Where further uncertainty exists, the Planning <br />Commission, upon written application or on its own motion, shall determine the <br />location of the boundary in question, giving due consideration to the location <br />indicated on the zoning map and the purposes of this ordinance." <br />d. Subsection 8:10 is hereby repealed, and there is substituted in the <br />place and stead thereof, the following: <br />1,8:10 Lot Area. The lot area regulations set forth below are <br />minimum requirements for lots used or intended to be used for dwellings. Other <br />ordinances of the Town may impose standards requiring substantially larger lots <br />thereby reducing the number of lots possible in a subdivision. <br />(A) Minimum Lot Area. No lot shall have a net area less than <br />43,560 square feet and no lot shall be occupied by more than one primary dwelling <br />unit. <br />(B) Slope -Density Requirements. In addition to the requirement of <br />Section 8:10(A) above, the average area o ots creatod in any subdivision after <br />October 3, 1968, shall not be less than as specified below: <br />(1) Where the average slope of the parcel to be subdivided is <br />greater than 10.0%, but not greater than 40.0%, the average net lot area shall <br />not be less than "a" as determined by the formula a= 1 , where <br />"S" is the average slope of the parcel in percent. 1-.0177 s-10 <br />(2) Where the average slope of the parcel to be subdivided is <br />greater than 40.0% the average net lot area shall not be less than two acres. <br />(3) For purposes of calculating the allowable number of lots in <br />any subdivision, no lot which could be further subdivided under provision; <br />8:10(B)(1) and (2) shall be included in the net total acreage used in determining <br />the average net lot area for the remainder of the subdivision. <br />-2- <br />