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(4) For the purpose of Sections 8:10(B)(1) and (2) the average 29 L <br />slope of a parcel or lot shall be determined according to the formula S A <br />where: <br />S is the average slope in per cent, <br />I is the contour interval in feet, <br />L is the combined length of contour lines in scale feet, <br />A is the gross area in acres of parcel or lot as applicable. <br />A topographic base map shall be used in meeting the requirements for tentative <br />subdivision maps as specified in the Subdivision Ordinance. Measurement along con- <br />tours shall be made at contour intervals not to exceed ten feet. <br />(5) Once a final subdivision map has been recorded for a subdivision, <br />lot lines shall thereafter not be altered so as to allow a greater number of lots <br />in that subdivision than the maximum permitted pursuant to Sections 8:10(B)(1) and <br />(2). Lots not included in the total net acreage used in determining average lot <br />area, as provided for in Section 8:10(B)(3), may be further divided subject to <br />provisions of this and other Town ordinances." <br />e. Section kr is hereby repealed, and Section IV is hereby renumbered to be <br />Section XV, and there is added, to the end of said Section, a new subsection to <br />read as follows: <br />1?15:50 Action Contrary to Ordinance. Any permit, certificate or <br />license issued in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be null <br />and void." <br />f. There is hereby added a new Section IV as follows: <br />"SECTION IV. Regulations for OSR Districts. <br />4:10 Primary Uses. The following primary uses are permitted: <br />a. Agricultural uses including horticulture and grazing, but <br />excluding structures. <br />b. Forest preserves. <br />c. Other open space uses. <br />4:20 Trees and Shrubs. (see Section. XI)" <br />g. Section V is hereby repealed and there is substituted in the place and <br />stead thereof the following: <br />"SECTION V. Regulations for R -A Districts. <br />5:10 Primary Uses. The following primary uses are permitted: <br />a. Primary dwellings. <br />b. Agriculture. <br />-3- <br />