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Last modified
4/19/2016 2:49:48 PM
Creation date
3/23/2016 10:31:21 AM
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Amending Ordinance No. 78 of Said Town as Amended, By Adding thereto Provisions and Regulations Relating to Slope Density and To Open Space Reserve Zones
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Q 4 <br />5:20 Accessory Uses and Structures. The following types of accessory <br />uses and structures are permitted: <br />a. Home Occupaon. Where the use is entirely subordinate to the <br />primary use of the premises .1or <br />the home of a family. Where there are no retail <br />sales on the premises, there is no advertising of any kind visible from off the <br />premises, and no evidence from off the premises of the business, where no parking <br />more than normally required for a residence is permitted and not over one assistant <br />ou^.side the family unit is employed. The raising on the premises of agricultural <br />products and sale thereof is expressly excepted from the provisions of this <br />Ordinance, but is subject to reasonable regulations by the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />b. Private Incinerators. Private incinerators for burning of <br />refuse and garbage produced on the same premises, provided that the construction <br />is such as to assure immediate and complete combustion and freedom from offensive <br />smoke, ash, unburned particles, and odors, and permit therefor is granted by the <br />Fire District having jurisdiction over the area, and under the regulations thereof <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />c. Walls and Fences. Walls or fences may be constructed within <br />the confines of a lot or contiguous lots, but not exceeding a maximum height of six <br />feet (61) within twenty-five feet (25') of the property line nor a maximum height <br />of three feet (39 in an area bounded by the centerline of intersecting roads or <br />easements for vehicular access, Public or Private, and a straight line joining <br />pointe on these centerlines eighty feet (801) distant from their intersection. <br />The purpose of this requirement is to provide an unobstructed view of approaching <br />traffic on the intersecting roads. The Planning Commission may prescribe greater <br />restrictions on the heights or distances specified in this Section when unusual <br />conditions make such additional restrictions desirable in the interest of public <br />safety. <br />d. House Number Signs. A sign not more than one and one-half (1%2) <br />square feet in area bearing the house number and name of occupant or a name desig- <br />nated other than one of a commercial purpose. <br />e. Accessory Buildings. Accessory Buildings may be constructed only <br />in accordance with setback requirements as hereinafter provided in this Ordinance. <br />An accessory building may be erected prior to the construction of the main build- <br />ing only if it is agreed that the win building shall be completed within three <br />(3) years from the date of issuance of the permit for the accessory building. A <br />temporary accessory building must be removed within thirty (30) days after the <br />completion of the main building, or within eighteen (18) months of the issuance <br />of a permit for the accessory building, whichever is the earlier date. <br />f. Private Stables. No structure designed or used for occupancy by <br />hoofed animals may be constructed or maintained within thirty feet (3G!) from the <br />property line. In other than agricultural uses, a maximum of two (2) hoofed <br />animals per acre shall be permitted, provided the conditions are satisfactory to the <br />Santa Clara County Department of Health or such other agency as may be in charge <br />of health standards for the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />5:30 Conditional Uses and Structures. In addition to uses permitted, the <br />following uses may be established subject to the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission and to the approval of the City Council and the issuance of a permit <br />
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