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V <br />1. To assure that street rights-of-way are corridors of natural vege- <br />tation and terrain through which motorists and other can travel and retain the <br />feeling of passing through a natural, undisturbed area, and that street rights-of- <br />way are designed to form an important part of the total open space environment of <br />the Town, <br />m. To provide paths and trails for the use, safety and convenience of <br />pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians desiring access to community facilities, <br />travel throughout the community, and enjoyment of the natural amenities of the <br />community; <br />n. To minimize through traffic on residential streets; <br />o. To provide for the coordination of subdivision development with the <br />provision of public facilities, such as parks, recreation areas, schools and other <br />types of community facilities." <br />b. There are hereby added at the end of Subsection 4:20, the following sub- <br />paragraphs: <br />"(S) An indication of lots excluded from the total net acreage of the <br />subdivisions used in determining the average lot area as specified in Section 8:10 <br />(B)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance. <br />(T) A Zoning Compliance Check List with such information as is required <br />by the Planning Commission." <br />c. There is hereby added, at the end of Subparagraph (E) of labsection 5:10 <br />the following subparagraph: <br />115. Zoning Compliance Map and Check List. For the purpose of determining <br />compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, a zoning compliance map and zoning compliance <br />check list shall be submitted in three copies each. <br />(a) Zoning Compliance Map. This map shall consist of a Final <br />Subdivision Map on which is superimposed the contours of the land before grading. <br />All lots shall be indicated which are excluded from the total net acreage used in <br />determining the average lot area as specified in Section 8:10(B)(3) of the Aning <br />$rdinance. <br />(b) Zoning Compliance Check List. This list shall contain such <br />information as is required by the Planning Commission. <br />Said map and check list shall be checked by the Town Engineer. When the Town <br />Engineer finds the information shown on the print and check list is correct, he <br />shall certify as to their compliance with the zoning regulations. Said map and <br />check list shall be forwarded to the Town Council as supporting information to <br />the Final Subdivision Map, and following approval of the Final Subdivision Map by <br />the Town Council, shall be forwarded to the Town Clerk for filing as a permanent <br />town record." <br />IM <br />