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Last modified
4/19/2016 2:49:41 PM
Creation date
3/23/2016 10:34:15 AM
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Amending Ordinance No. 69 of Said town by Adding Thereto Provisions for Slope Density Regulation
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V 4 <br />d. Subsection 6:40 is hereby repealed, and there is substituted in its place <br />and stead the following: <br />"6:40 Lot Design. <br />(A) No lot shall be less in area than permitted by the zoning regula- <br />tions. Where difficult terrain or other unusual condition exist, lots larger in <br />area than the minimums specified in the zoning ordinance ,hall be provided as <br />necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. Areas shall be <br />computed on a net basis after deduction is made for any present or designated future <br />street widening. In addition: <br />1. Exception is allowed in a subdivision of two or three lots where <br />the original parcel was formed prior to the incorporation of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills. In such cases, area may be computed from the existing rights-ef-way, except <br />where the existing right-of-way is less than 40 feet; it shall then be computed <br />from a line 20 feet from the center line. <br />2. Each lot shall contain an area of at least one net acre within <br />which net acre no straight line exceeding 350 feet can be drawn. <br />3. Each lot shall be of such dimensions and shape as to permit the <br />inscription, entirely within the boundaries of such lot, of a circle 160 feet in <br />diameter in a location affording an adequate building site. <br />(B) All subdivisions shall result in the creation of lots with adequate <br />building sites which are capable of being developed or built upon while retaining <br />the basic natural qualities of the lot. No subdivision shall create lots which <br />are impractical for improvement or use due to steepness of terrain, location of <br />water courses, periodic flooding, earth movement, size, shape, or other physical <br />conditions. <br />(C) Lot lines shall be placed so as to create useable building sites, <br />permit accommodation of sites to the natural terrain and vegetation, and afford <br />access to the building site without requiring excessive grading. <br />(D) Subdivisions with an average slope exceeding 40.0% are deemed to <br />have potentially very difficult development problems which may. create severe prob- <br />lems for the surrounding properties. Special detailed review shall be given to <br />such subdivisions to determine their feasibility and impact on the surrounding <br />area. Guidelines for such review,in addition to those in this Ordinance may be <br />adopted by the Planning Commission." <br />SEC MN 2. Except as previously amended by Ordinance of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills, and except as hereby amended, said Ordinance No. 69 shall remain in <br />full force and effect. <br />SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be posted in three (3) public places within <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills and shall become effective 30 days following its <br />adoption. <br />-3- <br />
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