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Where a lot abuts on more than one street or easement <br />as specified in (A) above, the 40 foot setback <br />building line shall be required from only one such <br />property line. In such instances the property <br />owner may select the property line provided such <br />choice, in the opinion of the City Manager or his <br />authorized representative, will not be injurious <br />to adjacent properties or the public interest." <br />d) Section 13:60(A) is deleted and there is <br />substituted in the place and stead thereof the following: <br />"The Planning Commission shall grant the <br />requested variance in whole or in part, if from the facts <br />presented in connection with the application, or at the public <br />hearing, it appears and the Planning Commission specifies in <br />its findings the facts which establish beyond reasonable doubt: <br />(A) That there are exceptional or extraordinary <br />circumstances or conditions applying to the <br />property involved including size, shape, topography <br />or surroundings that do not apply generally to other <br />property or uses in the same vicinity and zoning <br />district. <br />(B) That owing to such exceptional or extraordinary <br />circumstances the literal enforcement of the provisions <br />of the ordinance would result in practical difficulty <br />or unnecessary hardship. <br />(C) That the strict application of the zoning ordinance <br />would deprive such property of privileges enjoyed <br />by other property in the vicinity and under identical <br />zoning classification. <br />(D) That the granting of such variance will not be <br />materially detrimental to the public welfare or <br />"OORIO 6 FAISANT <br />AT <br />