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%W V <br />injurious to the property or improvements in the <br />vicinity or in the zoning district in which the <br />property of the applicant is located. <br />(E) That the granting of the variance will not constitute <br />a grant or special privilege inconsistent with the <br />limitations on other properties in the vicinity <br />classified in the same zoning district. <br />(F) That the granting of such variance will be in harmony <br />with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance <br />and the General Plan. <br />If the facts do not establish that all of the six conditions <br />set forth above apply to the subject case, the Planning Commission <br />shall deny the requested variance." <br />SECTION I_I_, Except as hereby amended, said <br />Ordinance No. 7' as amended shall be and remain in full force <br />and effect, <br />SECTION III. All ordinances and portions thereof in <br />conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />SECTION IV. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to <br />the Planning Act of the State of California, after noticed <br />public hearings by the Planning Commission and the City Council <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills, and shall be posted in three (3) <br />public places within said Town and shall become effective <br />thirty (30) days following its adoption. <br />I HERESY CEPTI71 that the foregoing ordinance was introduced <br />nt a regular meeting of the City Council of the Toon of Los Altos <br />`!,ills on the 4th day of August, 1969, and was thereafter, at a <br />r Sulap aseetl�ndng oc ohted2 said romiil,:lolloield ong roll czllavo e: ugust, <br />Councilmen Benson, Davey, Fowle, Helgesson, Mayor Aiken <br />.'O&S • None <br />oa None <br />1 moi. <br />-RO i -i • / � ) //'� 1 <br />�City -1 rk <br />IAGOF1O b FA1BANT - - <br />iiayor <br />LOB .,. savAU <br />_3_ <br />