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W J <br />PERMITTEE means any person to whom a Site Development Permit is <br />issued. <br />PERSON means any person, firm or corporation, public or private, <br />the State of California and its agencies or political subdivisions, and <br />the United States of America, its agencies and instrumentalities, and any <br />agent, servant, officer or employee of any of the foregoing. <br />REMOVAL means cutting vegetation (including trees and plants) <br />to the ground, cutting trees so as to leave stumps, as well as complete <br />extraction or killing by spraying. <br />SITE means a single lot or parcel of land, or a contiguous <br />combination thereof, where grading work is performed as a single unified <br />operation. <br />SITE DEVELOPMENT means altering terrain and/or vegetation by <br />grading or other means and/or constructing driveways and private roads. <br />SITE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE means a committee composed of one <br />member of the Planning Commission appointed by the Chairman, the City <br />Engineer and the City Manager, who shall serve as the Site Development <br />Committee coordinator. <br />SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT means the approved grading plans which <br />bear the stamp of approval of the Site Development Committee. <br />SOILS ENGINEER means a registered Civil Engineer of the State of <br />California, specializing in soil mechanics and foundation engineering, <br />which sciences deal with the application of the principles of soils <br />mechanics in the investigation and analysis of the engineering properties <br />of earth material. <br />STRUCTURE means anything constructed or erected which requires <br />location on the ground or is attached to something having location on the <br />ground, excluding vehicles designed and used only for the transportation <br />of people or goods. <br />TILLING means cultivating or plowing of soil not to exceed <br />twelve (12) inches in depth from existing grade. <br />VACANT means land on which there are no structures or only <br />structures which are secondary to the use or maintenance of the land itself. <br />-4- <br />