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V V <br />SECTION 3. CONSULTANTS. Town officers administering this ordinance <br />may require the applicant to furnish the services of engineering <br />geologists, soils engineers, foresters and landscape architects to advise <br />in the review of Site Development Permit applications. <br />SECTION 4. GRANTING PERMIT. To further the specific purposes of this <br />ordinance as set forth in Article 1, Section 3, the following procedures <br />are established: <br />A. Site Development Committee. Where the aggregate volume Of <br />grading on any site or contiguous group of sites is in excess of one <br />hundred (100) cubic yards, the Site Development Committee shall review the <br />application for the proposed Site Development Permit. If the Site Develop- <br />ment Committee finds the application for the proposed grading plan in con- <br />formance with the provisions of this ordinance, they may issue a permit <br />with such reasonable conditions as they may deem necessary to secure <br />substantially the objectives of this ordinance, or they may in the alterna- <br />tive refer the application to the Planning Commission in the manner provided <br />for in Section 4, B. <br />B. Planning Commission. Where the Site Development Committee <br />finds the application to include unusual or complex conditions, including <br />but not limited to, significant amounts of yardage to be moved, topography, <br />drainage or unstable soil conditions, the Site Development Committee may <br />refer the application to the entire Planning Commission. When the Site <br />Development Committee refers an application to the Planning Commission, <br />the following procedures shall be followed: <br />1. The Site Development Committee shall prepare a report on <br />the application with recommendation to the Planning Commission. The <br />Planning Commission shall hold a hearing on the application for the proposed <br />Site Development Permit, and before holding such hearing shall send <br />notices to each adjacent property owner and to such other additional <br />owners as, in the opinion of the City Manager, may be substantially <br />affected by such grading operations. <br />2. Upon completion of the hearing and after consideration <br />of the recommendations of the Site Development Committee, the Planning <br />Commission shall approve, with such reasonable conditions as it may deem <br />necessary to secure substantially the objectives of this ordinance, or <br />disapprLvco the application for the site development. <br />SL <br />