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160 4 <br />the City Clerk and shall be presented by him to the Council at <br />the next regular meeting thereof, for approval or rejection, <br />whether in whole or in part, if such presentation is required <br />by law. <br />SECTION 4 Claims Covered by Insurance <br />All claims filed with the City Clerk which are covered by <br />insurance shall be forwarded by him after action thereon by the <br />Council to the appropriate insurance carrier for handling and <br />further processing. <br />SECTION 5 payments <br />If the Council approves a claim or demand, in whole or in <br />part, the Clerk -Treasurer shall cause a warrant to be drawn upon <br />the City Treasury for the amount allowed. There shall be required <br />upon all checks, drafts or warrants issued for and on behalf of <br />the City, such signatures as shall from time to time be specified <br />by resolution of the City Council. <br />SECTION 6 Authorization To Approve Claims <br />The City Clerk -Treasurer of the City is hereby authorized to <br />approve and pay all claims against the City found by him to be <br />covered by appropriated and unencumbered funds of the City and <br />to be in compliance with law, except for those claims required by <br />ROBIN D. iAISANT <br />-3- <br />