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%W .0 <br />law to be approved by the Council, and to sign all checks, <br />drafts or warrants for and on behalf of the City for the <br />payment of claims. There shall be required upon all checks, <br />drafts or warrants issued for and on behalf of the City, such <br />signatures as shall from time to time be specified by <br />resolution of the City Council. <br />SECTION 7 Facsimile Signatures <br />Facsimile signatures on checks, drafts or warrants of the <br />City in lieu of personal signatures are hereby authorized; <br />provided, however, that upon all checks, drafts or warrants <br />issued for and on behalf of the City the personal signature <br />of at least one authorized officer shall be required to approve <br />said check, draft or warrant. <br />SECTION 8 Purchases, Supplies or Services <br />(a) All demands, invoices or claims for purchases, <br />supplies or services included within budgetary appropriations <br />shall be presented in writing to the Clerk -Treasurer. All such <br />demands, invoices or claims shall be fully itemized and verified <br />as just and correct by the claimant or his authorized agent. <br />(b) Each demand shall bear the number of the <br />purchase order issued for the materials or services rendered. <br />ROBIN D. FAISANT <br />AT <br />-4- <br />