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C. Review of Application and Inspection of Premises. Prior to <br />the issuance of any License, the City Manager or his delegated <br />representative shall make an inspection of the premises to <br />verify that the proposed use will be in conformity with the <br />conditions and requirements of this Ordinance and any conditions <br />of the Conditional Use Permit. <br />D. Issuance of License. If the City Manager finds that the proposed <br />use will be in conformity with the requirements of the Ordinance <br />and the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, the License will be <br />issued. There will be an annual fee and inspection to ascertain <br />conformance to all conditions. <br />E. Appeal of Denial of License. If the City Manager denies any <br />License applied for under the terms of this Ordinance, the applicant <br />may appeal said decision to the City Council within 30 days thereof. <br />All pertinent information most be filed with the Appeal. <br />F. Licenses Not Transferable. Any License issued for a commercial <br />stable is issued to the original applicant and is not trans- <br />ferable or assignable. <br />SECTION 8. Revocation or Suspension of License. Any License granted hereunder <br />may be subject to revocation or suspension by the City Council for failure to comply <br />with the provisions of this Ordinance. <br />In the event of a complaint received by the City Manager concerning either a Private <br />Stable or Commercial Stable, the City Manager may order an inspection to determine <br />the validity of the complaint. <br />If determination is made by the City Manager that the terms of this Ordinance have <br />been violated, the following procedure will be followed: <br />A notice shalt, be sent to the person holding said License specifying where he is <br />failing to comply with this Ordinance or any terms or conditions in the Conditions: <br />Use Permit and requesting appearance before the City Council to show cause at said <br />time or place why said License should not be revoked or suspended. The License <br />holder shall have the right to appear in person or with counsel and introduce such <br />evidence as he may desire. After hearing the facts the City Council may, if in itl <br />opinion the terms of the Ordinance or Conditional Use Permit have been violated, <br />revoke or suspend said License. <br />SECTION 9. Horses shall at all times be maintained adequately, shall be <br />fed, watered, handled and ridden in a humane and protective manner without cruelty. <br />Riders shall handle their horses in such a way as to not violate the rights and <br />safety of the horse, other riders or pedestrians. A veterinarian and two (2) <br />horsemen of good repute shall be appointed by the City Council to review any reported <br />infractions and report their findings to the City Council. <br />SECTION 10. Exceptions. The City Council shall have the right to modify the <br />strict application of this Ordinance, where there are extraordinary conditions <br />affecting the property of the applicant. In such cases the applicant may appear <br />before the City Council and, if after a public hearing and full consideration of <br />-5- <br />