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G <br />SECTION 3. Chapter 1 of Title 9 of the Los Alto, <br />Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />"CHAPTER 1. OFFICIAL PLAN LINES <br />Sec. 9-1.01 BUILDINGS AND IWRO✓EM3NIS PROHIBITED WITHIN LINES. <br />Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no building, structure, or <br />other improvement shall ba erected or placed within any Official Plan Line <br />established by .,_finance. The provisions of this section shall not <br />apply to lawns, crops, plantings, sbrubbery, and the like, not to such ordin- <br />a.rl front yard fences and nonperm ipnt structures which will not, in the <br />opinion of the Board of Planning Administration, defeat the purposes of this <br />chapter. (§ I, Ord. 65) <br />Sec. 9-1.02 EXCEPTIONS. <br />(a) AUT:IORIZED: CRITERIA. The Board of Planning Administration shall <br />have the paver to grant exceptions from the strict application of the pro- <br />visions of tris chapter in cases where, due to specizl conditions or oxcep- <br />tienal characteristics of the proparty involved or r.ts location or surround- <br />ings, a l:.teral erfercernnt of the provisions of this chapter would result in <br />pr :cticzl difficilties or unneceFsary hardships; provided, however., no such <br />exceptions shall be granted unless the Board of P]annin!7 Administration shall <br />find that the granting of such e:cceptlon will not be contrary to the intoat <br />of the provisions of this chapter nor to the public interest, safety, health <br />and welfare. <br />(b) AP^LICATIONS. Applications for any exceptions pursuant to the pro- <br />visions of this section shall he made to the Board of Flnnning Administration <br />rnd shall include a scale drawing of the building, structure, or other improve <br />rant to be erected, togathe-r. with such information as may be required. <br />(c) FE?S, A nonrefundable filing fee of Fifty Two and no/lOOths ($53.00) <br />Dollars and a deposit for ocrvices of Tato Fundrad and no/100thc ($200.00) <br />Dollars shall accompany each such anplic :tion. <br />(d) F?ARICIG.S: NOTZCRS. Upon roceirt of such an application, Board of <br />Planning A'_cinistration shall hold one public hearing t:hercon, notice of <br />va:.ic"i shall be givrn by publication once in a newspaper o: general circula- <br />tion within the Town not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the <br />hearing. <br />(e) BOARD OF PLANNING ADM?".I.'.STRATION DECISIONS AND RECOMMMATIONS. <br />The Board of Planning Adninistznt'J.on shall make its decision upon the applica- <br />tion within fifteen (15) days afier the public hearinq. The Beard of Planning <br />Aoministratien caaJ.l great the o%ciption arpliod for subject to soch condition: <br />as the heard of Plsnninq Adririst_aticn may desm aacesoory 2or the accorplish- <br />mant of thn purposes Of this ci».rtcr end o:f the o�-jectives of the General <br />Pian or shall deny the application for the exception. The Board of Planning <br />Administration shall report its action to the City Council setting forth all <br />conditions placed on any exception. <br />(f) COUNCIL. Upon the receipt of such report, the Council may agenda <br />the matter for review. If the action of the Board of Planning Administration <br />is appealed, the City Council shall agenda the matter for a hearing. The <br />action of the City Council is final. <br />ROBIN O. FAISANT <br />•� 3 6 sa]3 <br />-3- <br />