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I �%4 Q 0 <br />Sec. 9-2.09, EXCEPTIOfJS. <br />The requirements of this chapter shall not be applicable under the <br />following circumstances: <br />(a) Where the identical site has been approved as a building site on a <br />final subdivision map or by building site approval procedure approved by the <br />Town and recorded or completed, as appropriate, within ten (10) years prior <br />to the date of the application for a building permit; and <br />(b) Where the site already has structures existing thereon which were <br />eructed in conformity with all laws applicable at the time of their erection <br />and where the contemplated construction cnnsists of the construction of any <br />auxiliary structure or the alteration, addition to, or expansion of any <br />existing structure provided such alteration, addition or expansion can be <br />made in conformity with all other applicable laws, unless such construction, <br />alteration, addition, or expansion will involve, or is made for the purpose <br />of, a change of the use of the subject structure or site. <br />Sec. 9-2.10. FESS AND DEPOSITS: IPISPFCTIONS AND TESTS. <br />(a) FEES AND DEPOSITS. There shall be a non-refundable filing fee in <br />the amount of Fifty and no/100ths ($50.00) Dollars for building site approval, <br />and, in addition thereto, there shall be a deposit for services in the amount <br />of Two Hundred and no/lo0ths ($200.00) Dollars. The fees for map checking <br />and inspections shall be four (49) percent of the total cost of the improve- <br />ments as such cost is estimated by the City Engineer. Such fees shall be paid <br />at the time the building site approval map is filed. <br />(b) INSPECTIONS AMID TESTS. In any case in which the City Engineer <br />certifies that additional inspections and/or tests, beyond those normally <br />required, are necessary, the actual additional costs of such tests or <br />inspections shall be charged by the City Engineer to the applicant in <br />addition to the fees and deposits set forth in subsection (a) of this <br />section. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be posted within three (3) <br />public places within the Town and shall become effective thirty <br />(30) days following its adoption. <br />I HFREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introduced <br />at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills on the 21st day of March, 1973, and was theeafter, <br />regular meeting of said Council held on the /?— day of a a <br />1973, passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ATTEST: <br />APPROVED: <br />Ci Clerk <br />Mayor <br />g0 T. O. AT ANT <br />ALL ^LT.CALIF. <br />C A _G_ <br />