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of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code hereby is amended by amending <br />Subsection (a) thereof to read as follows; <br />Section 9-2.10. Fees and Deposits; Inspections <br />and Tests. <br />(a) Fees and Deposits. There shall be a non- <br />refundable filing fee in the amount of Sixty and <br />No/100ths ($60.00) Dollars for building site approval <br />and, in addition, thereto there shall be a deposit for <br />services in the amount of Five Hundred and No/100ths <br />($500.00) Dollars. Provided, however, in the event the <br />deposit for services is exhausted, the applicant upon <br />request of the Town, shall deposit forthwith additional <br />amounts of money necessary to maintain a deposit for <br />services in the amount of Five Hundred and No/100ths <br />($500.00) Dollars. Any balance remaining in the <br />deposit for services shall be refunded to the applicant <br />upon the application for site approval having been <br />finally approved as provided for in Section 9-2.08. <br />The fees for map checking and inspections shall be <br />four (48) percent of the total cost of the improve- <br />ments as such cost is estimated by the City Engineer. <br />Such fees shall be paid at the time the building site <br />approval map is filed. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be posted within the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills in three (3) public places and shall become effective <br />thirty (30) days following its adoption. <br />-3- <br />