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y %0 <br />the absence of the Chairman. The Secretary shall keep <br />a correct record of all proceedings of the Commission. <br />In the absence of the Vice Chairman and/or Secretary, <br />the members shall select a Vice Chairman pro -tempore <br />and/or a Secretary pro -tempore, as the case may be. A <br />regular meeting of the Commission shall be held in the <br />Town Hall on each day upon which a- regular meeting of the Planning <br />Commission is to be held and immediately prior thereto, <br />at a time to be determined by the Variance and Permit <br />Commission. <br />Sec. 2-2.204. Actions Taken. <br />Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, <br />each action taken by the Variance and Permit Commission <br />at a meeting shall be added to and appear on the consent <br />calendar of the meeting of the Planning Commission held <br />immediately following the meeting of the Variance and <br />Permit Commission. Each action of the Variance and Permit <br />Commission together with any action thereon by the Planning <br />Commission shall appear on the consent calendar of the City <br />Council at its next regular meeting succeeding the meeting <br />of the Planning Commission. Nothing contained in this <br />Section shall abrogate or interfere with the right of an <br />applicant to appeal a decision of the Variance and Permit <br />Commission or with the powers of the City Council specified <br />elsewhere in this Code with respect to any matters initially <br />within the jurisdiction of the Variance and Permit Commission. <br />-3- <br />