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ORDINANCE NO.218 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING <br />TITLE 4 OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE BY <br />ADDING THERETO CHAPTER 5 ENTITLED "BICYCLES" <br />The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does ordain <br />as follows: <br />SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF THE CODE. Title 4 entitled "Public <br />Safety" of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code hereby is amended <br />by adding thereto Chapter 5 entitled "Bicycles" to read as follows: <br />CHAPTER 5. BICYCLES. <br />Section 4-5.01. DEFINITION. For the purpose of <br />this chapter, the word "bicycle" shall have the same <br />meaning as that term is defined in the Vehicle Code as <br />the same exists or may be amended hereafter. <br />Section 4-5.02. EQUIPMENT. Every bicycle operated <br />or used in the Town of Los Altos Hills shall be equipped <br />with the items of equipment specified in this section: <br />(1) Lamps and Reflectors. Every bicycle <br />operated or used at any time between one-half hour after <br />sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, or at any other <br />time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly <br />discernible any person or vehicle on a street or highway <br />at a distance of three hundred feet, shall be equipped <br />with a lamp on the front of the bicycle emitting a white <br />light visible from a distance of three hundred feet in <br />front of the bicycle, and with a red reflector on the <br />rear of the bicycle which shall be visible from a distance <br />