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sir r <br />of three hundred feet to the rear when directly in front <br />of a motor vehicle displaying the lawful upper beams of <br />its headlights. A rear lamp emitting a red light visible <br />from a distance of three hundred feet to the rear may be <br />used in addition to the red reflector. <br />(2) Brakes. Every bicycle shall be equipped <br />with a brake which shall enable the operator to make the <br />braked wheel skid on a dry, level, clean pavement. <br />(3) Stand. Every bicycle purchased must be <br />equipped with a stand of a type approved by the Chief of <br />Police. <br />Section 4-5.03. RIDERS; SEATS. The operator of a <br />bicycle shall not carry any other person thereon, except <br />on a seat securely fastened to the bicycle in the rear of the <br />operator. The operator shall not ride other than upon or <br />astride the permanent and regular seat attached to the <br />bicycle. Each bicycle shall be operated in what in the <br />judgment of the Chief of Police is a safe manner. <br />Section 4-5.04. SPEED. No person shall operate a <br />bicycle on a street or highway at a speed greater than is <br />reasonable or prudent having due regard for the traffic on, <br />and the surface and width of, the street or highway, and in <br />no event at a speed which endangers the safety of persons <br />or property. <br />Section 4-5.05. EMERGING FROM DRIVEWAY. The operator <br />of a bicycle emerging from a driveway or building and prior <br />-2- <br />