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to entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to <br />all pedestrians approaching, and upon entering the road- <br />way shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approach- <br />ing on the roadway. <br />Section 4-5.06. CARRYING ARTICLES. No person <br />operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or <br />article in a manner which prevents the rider from keeping <br />both hands upon the handlebars. <br />Section 4-5.07. TOWING, PULLING, OR PUSHING PERSONS <br />OR OBJECTS PRHIBITED. No person operating a bicycle shall <br />tow or pull any person or object from the rear thereof, or <br />push or propel any person or object in front of the bicycle. <br />Section 4-5.06. GROUP RIDING. Persons operating <br />bicycles upon a roadway shall ride in single file. <br />Section 4-5.09. PARKING. No person shall park, or <br />allow to remain parked, any bicycle (a) upon any public <br />street or roadway other than in such a manner so as to <br />afford the least obstruction to vehicular traffic; or <br />(b) at any place adjacent to a public street or roadway <br />except in a bicycle rack, or against a building, or by <br />means of a stand to maintain the bicycle in a vertical <br />position, and in such a manner as to afford the least <br />obstruction to pedestrian traffic. <br />Section 4-5.10. OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. <br />Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no <br />right or left or U-turn is permitted, no person operating <br />CKC <br />