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v 40 <br />a bicycle shall disobey the directions of any such sign, <br />except when such person dismounts from the bicycle to <br />make any such turn, in which event such person shall then <br />obey the regulations applicable to pedestrians. <br />Section 4-5.11. VIOLATION; IMPOUNDMENT. In addition <br />to any other penalty provided and in the event of a vio- <br />lation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, the Chief <br />of Police may prohibit the operation upon the streets, and <br />public places, in the Town of Los Altos Hills for a period <br />of not to exceed thirty days of a bicycle used in such a <br />violation, in which event a bicycle used in such a violation <br />shall be impounded by the Chief of Police and retained by <br />him during the period of time within which its operation <br />is prohibited. <br />Section 4-5.12. VIOLATION; INFRACTION. It is unlawful, <br />and is an infraction for any person to violate any provision, <br />or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this <br />Chapter. Any person violating any of the provisions, or <br />failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of <br />this Chapter, is guilty of an infraction. Any person accused <br />of an infraction shall be tried, and if convicted, shall be <br />punished under and to the extent of the laws of the State <br />of California for infractions. <br />Section 4-5.13. NOTICE TO APPEAR. Any peace officer <br />shall have the authority to issue notices to appear in <br />court pursuant to Chapter 5c (commencing with Section 853.5) <br />-4- <br />