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W J <br />shall be deemed to mean the Subdivision Map Act of <br />the State of California as contained in Division 2 <br />entitled "Subdivisions" of the Government Code (com- <br />mencing with Section 66410), or as hereafter amended. <br />Whenever any words or phrases as used in this <br />Chapter are not defined herein but are defined in <br />the Subdivision Map Act as last amended, such <br />definitions are incorporated herein and shall be <br />deemed to apply as though set forth in this Chapter. <br />SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.213 is hereby <br />added to Chapter 4 to read as follows: <br />Section 9-4.213. ADVISORY AGENCY. The <br />Planning Commission shall constitute the "Advisory <br />Agency" for tentative maps, parcels maps and for <br />minor subdivision maps. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.403 of Chapter 4 <br />and Subsection (b) thereof, respectively, hereby are amended in <br />the following particulars. <br />The following language is hereby added to the first sentence <br />of Section 9-4.403, to wit: <br />...and said map shall meet all the require- <br />ments of the Subdivision Map Act and this <br />Chapter and shall show all dedications or <br />offers of dedications thereon." <br />The words "posting of a bond or a deposit of cash" appearing <br />in Subsection (b) of Section 9-4.403 hereby are amended to <br />read as follows: <br />CWM <br />