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V <br />...posting security as that term is defined <br />in the Subdivision Map Act." <br />SECTION 5. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Subsection (e) of Section <br />9-4.410 hereby is amended by deleting therefrom the words <br />"...of Section 11528..." <br />SECTION 6. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.413 of Chapter 4 <br />hereby is amended by changing the words "within eighteen (18) <br />months" to read <br />"Within twelve (12) months..." <br />SECTION 7. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.414 of Chapter 4 <br />hereby is amended to read as follows: <br />Section 9-4.414. FINAL MAPS AND PARCEL MAPS; <br />FILING; EXTENSIONS OF TIME. The Council may grant <br />an extension of time not exceeding eighteen (18) <br />months beyond the twelve (12) months allowed for <br />the recording of parcel map or final map. Any <br />applications of a subdivider for such an extension <br />of time shall be made in writing to the Council <br />not less than thirty (30) days prior to the ex- <br />piration of the twelve (12) months allowed. The <br />application shall state the reasons for requesting <br />the extension. In granting an extension, new <br />conditions may be imposed and existing conditions <br />may be revised. <br />SECTION 8. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.501 of Chapter 4 <br />is hereby amended in the following respects: <br />In Subsection (b) of Section 9-4.501 the words <br />"supported by a bond or cash or both"are hereby <br />-3- <br />