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Subsection (b) of Section 9-4.701 hereby is amended <br />by changing the language "as defined in Sections 11535 <br />and 11535.1 of the Business and Professions Code of the <br />State" to read: <br /> defined in the Subdivision Map <br />Act." <br />The first sentence of Subsection (d) of Section <br />9-4.701 is amended to read as follows: <br />(d) SOIL INVESTIGATIONS; APPROVAL. The <br />City may approve the subdivision if it is <br />determined and if the City Engineer also <br />determines, that the recommended corrective <br />action is likely to prevent structural damage <br />to each dwelling to be constructed on each <br />lot in the subdivision." <br />SECTION 14. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Section 9-4.802 of Chapter 4 <br />is hereby amended by changing the language "Sections 11500, et seq <br />of the Business and Professions Code" to read <br />"...the Subdivision Map Act..." <br />SECTION 15. URGENCY MEASURE. The immediate preservation of <br />the public safety, health and welfare requires the adoption of this <br />ordinance as an urgency measure. The fact constituting the need <br />for such action is that Chapter 1536 becomes operative on March 1, <br />1975. This statute is a comprehensive revision of the Subdivision <br />Map Act and contains numerous procedural changes along with some <br />substantive changes. The state act is necessary to regulate and <br />control the design and improvements of subdivisions throught the <br />State of California. Development in California is an ever contin- <br />W <br />