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it V J d <br />(a) To proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local <br />emergency and the termination thereof, subject to confirmation <br />by the City Council at the earliest practicable time; <br />(b) To request the Governor through appropriate channels to proclaim <br />a state of emergency when, if in the opinion of the Director, the <br />resources of the Town are inadequate to cope with the emergency. <br />(c) To control and direct or provide for the control and direction of <br />the efforts of the Emergency Services Organization of the Town for <br />the accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter; <br />(d) To direct or provide for the coordination and cooperation between <br />groups, services, divisions, and Staff of the Emergency Service <br />Organization of the Town and to resolve questions of authority and <br />responsibility which may arise between them; and <br />(e) To represent or provide representation of the Emergency Services <br />Organization fo the Town in all dealings with public or private <br />agencies pertaining to civil preparedness. <br />Sec. 4-1.06. Director of Emergency Services: Powers and duties during <br />emergencies. <br />In the event of the proclamation of a local emergency or the proclamation <br />of a state of emergency by the Governor or the State Director of the Office <br />of Emergency Services or the existence of a state of war emergency, the Director <br />is hereby empowered: <br />(a) To make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably <br />related to the protection of life and property as affected by such <br />emergency. <br />(b) To obtain vital supplies, equipment, and such other properties <br />found lacking and needed for the protection of the life and property <br />-3- <br />