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• • <br /> period and which normally would be a maximum of Six Hundred Dollars <br /> ($600.00) for travel within the continental United States. In case of <br /> emergencies, an additional cash advance may be provided upon approval of <br /> the City Manager. <br /> 3. The TAER shall be audited as required by the Accountant employed <br /> by the City to assure compliance with applicable account requirements. <br /> q 4. The person traveling, upon his or her return, shall complete and <br /> file with the City Treasurer a signed expense report supported with <br /> receipts of such expenses as airline, bus or rail tickets, hotel bills, <br /> gas, car rental , etc. <br /> 5. Each person traveling shall be entitled to a standard per diem <br /> allowance for subsistence, including meals, laundry, valet service, and <br /> minor miscellaneous expenditures based upon the following schedule: <br /> STANDARD PER DIEM FOR DAY OF FOR DAY OF <br /> DESCRIPTION OF TRAVELER ALLOWANCE DEPARTURE RETURN <br /> Saried-Exempt Employees, $25.00 $25.00 $12.50 <br /> Council Members, City <br /> Attorney, Committee & <br /> Commission Members, and <br /> others officially traveling <br /> for the Town <br /> 6. Lodging accommodations to the extent possible should be made by the <br /> City. Reimbursement for lodging arranged by the person traveling will be <br /> based upon prevailing commercial rates for the travel area. Any reimbursement <br /> shall be reduced proportionately for any lodging or subsistence provided by <br /> the Military or other government agencies. <br /> 7. Transportation costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with the <br /> following rules: <br /> a. In the case of air and commercial rail transportation, the <br /> actual amount of a reasonable expenditure, except that first class travel <br /> -2- <br />