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RESOLUTION NO. 924 <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT <br /> FOR PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES AS CITY ATTORNEY BETWEEN THE <br /> CITY OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND. FRANK GILLIO <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered that certain <br /> Agreement between. the City of the Town of Los Altos. Hills and FRANK <br /> GILLIO, relative to his services as City Attorney for the City of the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills and the compensation to be paid therefor, and <br /> the City Council having been fully advised in the manner and being <br /> satisfied that said Agreement is fair and reasonable and is for the <br /> best interests of said City, and good cause appearing therefor, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND, ORDERED AND DETERMINED <br /> as follows: <br /> 1. Public interest and convenience require the entering into <br /> of an agreement concerning the services to be performed by, and the <br /> compensation to be paid Frank Gillio as City Attorney, and the City <br /> of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby approves the hereinabove <br /> described Agreement. <br /> 2 . The City of the Town of Los Altos Hills shall enter into, and <br /> the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills be, <br /> and they and each of them hereby is authorized and directed on behalf <br /> of said City, respectively, to execute and attest the Agreement between <br /> the City of the Town of Los Altos Hills and FRANK GILLIO. <br /> I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and <br /> adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills held on the 8th day of December, 1975. <br /> _.._-_ <br /> City C er <br />