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41) <br /> B 811 PAU697 <br /> WHEREAS, no protests, either written or oral, were filed with <br /> or received by said City Council respecting the proposed vacation and <br /> abandonment of the portion of the street described in Exhibit "A" and <br /> the Planning. Commission submitted its report and recommendation; <br /> And said City Council being fully advised in said matter and <br /> finds that, from all the evidence submitted, that a portion of a <br /> certain public street easement in the Town of Los Altos Hills, herein- <br /> after particularly described in Exhibit "A" is unnecessary for present <br /> or prospective public street purposes, and further finds that the <br /> public convenience and necessity require the reservation of the <br /> hereinafter described easements and rights-of-way for strucutres, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND ITIS HEREBY RESOLVED by said City <br /> Council that the foregoing Recitals are true and correct; <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by said City Council that the portion of <br /> the public street easement described in Exhibit "A" be, and it is <br /> hereby vacated and abandoned as being unnecessary for present or <br /> prospective public purposes; provided, however, there hereby is <br /> reserved and excepted from the vacation of a portion of Estacada <br /> Drive (formerly Estacada Avenue) more particularly described in <br /> Exhibit "A" , the permanent easement and right at any time, or from <br /> time to time, respectively, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, <br /> remove and renew water pipe lines, sanitary sewers and storm drains <br /> and other public utilities and appurtenant structures in, upon, over <br /> and across the portion of the public street easement herein ordered <br /> vacated and the property described in Exhibit "A" , and pursuant to any <br /> existing franchises or renewals thereof, or otherwise, to install, <br /> construct, maintain, repair, operate, replace, remove, renew and <br /> -2- <br />