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Last modified
6/28/2016 11:29:30 AM
Creation date
4/4/2016 9:20:46 AM
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An Ordinance of the Town of Los Altos Hills Applying Certain Regulations to the Use of Land, Buildings, and Structures and to the Erection, Construction, and Alteration of Buildings, Structures and Improvements Within the Incorporated Area of the Town of Los Altos Hills and Prescribing the Penalty for Violation of Any of the Provisions Hereof and Making This an Emergency Measure by Ordinance and to Take Effect Immediately
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Application for any permit shall be made to said City Council until <br />a Planning Commission is established when such Planning Commission <br />shall first receive such application, investigate and consider the <br />same, and report its recommendations to said City Council in respect <br />to such application. Said City Council shall upon receiving an appli- <br />cation at its next succeeding meeting consider the same and at said <br />meeting report thereon. If the Council is of the opinion that the <br />proposed building, structure or use will not be detrimental to the <br />character or development of the neighborhood in which it is located <br />and will not otherwise adversely affect the welfare of such neighbor- <br />hood and/or the Town of Los Altos Hills, then said City Council may <br />issue the permit as applied for; or said Council may refuse to issue <br />such permit if in its opinion the interests and welfare of the neigh- <br />borhood and/or the City would be adverselyaffectedby issuance or the <br />Council may issue such permit subject to conditions which are specified <br />and are designed to accord with the purposes of this Ordinance. Until <br />further provided, Uniform Building Code, Edition, on file Clerk's <br />Office will be official guide. <br />SECTION 2. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, <br />agent, employee or otherwise, violating or causing the violation of <br />any part of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon <br />conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five <br />hundred dollars ($"$00.00) or by imprisonment for aterm not exceeding <br />six (6) months. Such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed <br />guilty of a separate offense for each andevery day during any portion <br />of which any violation of this Ordinance is committed, continued or <br />permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punishable <br />as herein provided. <br />SECTION 3. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be of temporary <br />nature only and to serve only until such time as the City Council of <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills shall establish by Ordinance a compre- <br />hensive zoning and districting plan after study by a Planning Commission <br />and such other resource as said Council may require. <br />SECTION. This Ordinance shall not be retroactive nor in any <br />way an <br />eet y use under permit or license granted by the County of <br />Santa Clara under regulations governing this area prior to incorporation <br />and under the conditions and limitations of such permit and license. <br />SECTION 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or <br />phrase of thia Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or <br />invalid, said decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining <br />portion of this Ordinance. This Council hereby declares that it would <br />have passed this Ordinance, and each section, sentence, clause and <br />phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or some other <br />section, sentence, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or <br />invalid. <br />SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be and is hereby declared to be <br />an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately, being for <br />the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and <br />welfare in the immediate controlling and regulating of zoning within <br />the newly incorporated city and for the reasons as stated and declared <br />hereinbefore in the Ordinance. <br />- 2 - <br />A <br />
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