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Prescribing Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Operation of Restaurants and Food Establishments
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licensed by the California State Department of Health, by the Bureau <br />of Meat Inspection of the California State Department of Agriculture, <br />or by the Meat Inspection Division of the United States Department <br />of Agriculture. <br />SECTION 2. Application for such permit shall be made in <br />writing to the Health Officer. The Health Officer shall, upon re- <br />ceipt of such application, make or cause to be made, an examination <br />of the premises for which such permit is requested. If, upon <br />examination, the Health Officer, his assistant or his duly authorized <br />representative shall find such premises and the equipment therein <br />to be in accordance with the laws of the State of California, the <br />requirements of this ordinance, and the rules and regulations of the <br />Health Officer and not otherwise, the Health Officer shall issue a <br />revocable permit for the conduct of such business. Such permit <br />shall be issued annually for the calendar year and shall not be <br />transferable. Renewal of permits shall be applied for and acted <br />upon in the same manner. <br />SECTION -a. The permit fee for conducting a restaurant <br />or food este ent shall be $10.00 per annum, and shall be payable <br />upon the first day of January of each year. <br />SECTION . The Health Officer is hereby empowered to deny <br />or withhold a permit for which an application has been made, if, <br />in his judgment, the building, premises, equipment, apparatus or <br />reasonable facilities for the establishing, maintaining, conducting <br />or operating the business or institution for which a permit is re- <br />quested, is or are insufficient, unfit or incapable of being used, <br />maintained,. or established to comply with this or any other ordinance <br />of the Town of Los Altos Hills, or the rules and regulations of the <br />Health Officer or laws of the State of Cdifornia. If any such permit <br />shall be denied, suspended or revoked by the Health Officer, it shall <br />be unlawful during the period of such denial, revocation or suspension <br />for any person to sell or traffic in any food or drink products in <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills at such establishment. <br />SECTION 5. The Health Officer may suspend or revoke any <br />permit authorized by this ordinance whenever he finds that the holder <br />of such a permit fails or refuses to comply with the laws of the State <br />of California, this ordinance, or any rules and regulations of the <br />Health Officer. <br />SECTION 6. Permits for any restaurant or food establish- <br />ment within the Town of Los Altos Hills shall not be transferable., <br />Every person who shall sell, exchange, give away, abandon, or dis- <br />continue any such restaurant or food establishment within the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills and every person who shall purchase or otherwise <br />acquire any such restaurant or food establishment within the Town <br />of Los Altos Hills shall immediately notify the Health Officer, his <br />assistant or his duly authorized representative, as to the fact <br />thereof. <br />SECTION 7. The Health Officer is hereby authorized to <br />make such additional rules and regulations as may be necessary to <br />secure the proper sanitation of all restaurants or food establish- <br />ments and for the proper and orderly administration of this ordi- <br />nance. <br />SECTION 8. The presence, in or about the place of <br />business of any person dealing in food, or in or about any vehicle <br />used by any such person for the delivery of the same, of any food, <br />shall be prima facie evidence of intent on the part of such person <br />to sell the same and of the fact that he is holding or offering the <br />same for sale. <br />- 2 - <br />
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