SECTION 9. The Health Officer, his assistant and his duly
<br />authorized representative, are hereby authorized end directed to
<br />seize and destroy or denaturize any tainted, diseased, decayed or
<br />partially decayed, or unwholesome meat, fish, shellfish, fowl, fruits,
<br />vegetables, or.other unwholesome food found within the Town of Los
<br />Altos Hills.
<br />SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
<br />or corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm or corpo-
<br />ration, to sell, offer for sale, distribute or have in possession
<br />for sale or distribution in the Town of Los Altos Hills, the flesh
<br />of any cattle, horse, sheep, lamb, swine, or goat, unless the same
<br />bears on each primal part thereof the "Inspected and Passed" stamp
<br />of an establishment operating under Federal inspection, State in-
<br />spection or approved municipal inspection.
<br />SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
<br />or corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm or corpo-
<br />ration, to sell, offer for sale, distribute or have in possession
<br />for sale or distribution in the Town of Los Altos Hills any sausage
<br />or other meat food product unless the same has been manufactured
<br />or prepared in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
<br />SECTION 12. This a^dinance is for the protection of the
<br />public health, safety, and welfare, and its provisions are to be
<br />liberally construed to obtain the beneficial purposes thereof. The
<br />invalidity of any article, section, paragraph, sentence or clause
<br />of this ordinance shall not invalidate any other article, section,
<br />paragraph, sentence or clause of this ordinance. The Town Council
<br />hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each
<br />article, section, paragraph, sentence and clause thereof, irrespec-
<br />tive of the fact that any article, section, paragraph, sentence, or
<br />clause thereof be declared invalid.
<br />SECTION 13. Any, person, firm, or corporation, or agent
<br />or employee of any person, firm or corporation, who violates any
<br />provision of this ordinance, or any rules and regulations made here-
<br />under, shall be builty of a misdemeanor, End upon conviction thereof
<br />shall be punished by a fine of not less then twenty-five dollars
<br />(25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars (500.00), or by imprison-
<br />ment for not more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and im-
<br />prisonment.
<br />SECTION 14. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
<br />urgency measure and necessary for the iime diate preservation of the
<br />public health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force forth-
<br />with from and after its final passage and approval.
<br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Los
<br />Altos Hills, this 14th day of February , 1956, by the
<br />following vote:
<br />AYES: Councilmen Bledsoe, Dungan, Fowles Rothwell,
<br />Mayor Treat
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />ATTEST: or
<br />
<br /> ,�(
<br />y Clerk
<br />3
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<br />