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Last modified
6/28/2016 11:38:01 AM
Creation date
4/4/2016 11:36:35 AM
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Regulate the Planting, Maintenance, and Removal of Trees and Shrubs Growing Now or Hereafter in the Streets, Parks and Public Places in the Town of Los Altos Hills, and to Prevent and to Provide for the Correction of Certain Hazardous Conditions, and to Provide for Destruction of Weeds and Obnoxious Plants.
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At 6 V 4J <br />(k) "Weeds" as used herein shall be construed to include any <br />form of vegetation not a. cultivated garden tract or lawn and growing <br />to a height of six (6) inches or more; also any form of obnoxious <br />or harmful or dangerous plant life. <br />SECTION 3. UNIESS. AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT, no person shall: <br />(a) Plant, remove, top, or in may way injure or mutilate any <br />street tree. <br />(b) Fasten any sign, wire, or injurious material to any street <br />tree. <br />(c) Excavate any ditch m tunnel, or place concrete or other <br />pavement within a distance of ten (10) feet of the center of the <br />trunk of any street tree. <br />SECTION 4. P=TITS <br />(a) Application: <br />Any person desiring to do any of the work described in <br />Section 3 hereof may apply for a permit so to do. The applicant <br />shall state the nature of the work and the location where it will <br />be done. <br />(b) Issuance: <br />A permit shall be issued authorizing so much of the work as: <br />(1) Will not create, continue, or aggravate any hazardous <br />condition, or public nuisance; <br />(2) Will not prevent or interfere with the growth, location <br />or planting of approved street trees; <br />City. (3) Is consistent with the planting plan being followed by the <br />SECTION 5. PUBLIC NUISANCES: The following are, for the <br />purposes hereof, defined to be public nuisances: <br />(a) Any dead, diseased, infested, or dying tree in any street; <br />or on any private property so near to any street tree as to consti- <br />tute a danger to street trees, or streets, or portions thereof. <br />(b) Any tree or shrub on any private property or in any street, <br />Of a type or species apt to destroN ;mpair or otherwise interfere <br />with any street improvements, sidewalks, curbs, approved street trees, <br />gutters, sewers, other public improvements,including utility mains <br />or services. <br />(c) Within the thirty (30) foot triangle of private property <br />at the intersection on any streets improved for vehicular traffic, <br />any tree limb, shrub gr plant regehing a height more than three <br />feet above the street center adjacent thereto, except tree trunks <br />having no limbs lower than nine (9) `set above street center. <br />(d) Vines or climbing plants growing into or over any street <br />tree; or any public hydrant, pole or electrolier. <br />(e) Existence of any tree within the City Limits that is in- <br />fested, infected or in danger of becoming infested or infected with <br />objectionable insects, scale, fungus or growth injurious to trees. <br />- 2 - <br />
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