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At 6 V 4J <br />(k) "Weeds" as used herein shall be construed to include any <br />form of vegetation not a. cultivated garden tract or lawn and growing <br />to a height of six (6) inches or more; also any form of obnoxious <br />or harmful or dangerous plant life. <br />SECTION 3. UNIESS. AUTHORIZED BY PERMIT, no person shall: <br />(a) Plant, remove, top, or in may way injure or mutilate any <br />street tree. <br />(b) Fasten any sign, wire, or injurious material to any street <br />tree. <br />(c) Excavate any ditch m tunnel, or place concrete or other <br />pavement within a distance of ten (10) feet of the center of the <br />trunk of any street tree. <br />SECTION 4. P=TITS <br />(a) Application: <br />Any person desiring to do any of the work described in <br />Section 3 hereof may apply for a permit so to do. The applicant <br />shall state the nature of the work and the location where it will <br />be done. <br />(b) Issuance: <br />A permit shall be issued authorizing so much of the work as: <br />(1) Will not create, continue, or aggravate any hazardous <br />condition, or public nuisance; <br />(2) Will not prevent or interfere with the growth, location <br />or planting of approved street trees; <br />City. (3) Is consistent with the planting plan being followed by the <br />SECTION 5. PUBLIC NUISANCES: The following are, for the <br />purposes hereof, defined to be public nuisances: <br />(a) Any dead, diseased, infested, or dying tree in any street; <br />or on any private property so near to any street tree as to consti- <br />tute a danger to street trees, or streets, or portions thereof. <br />(b) Any tree or shrub on any private property or in any street, <br />Of a type or species apt to destroN ;mpair or otherwise interfere <br />with any street improvements, sidewalks, curbs, approved street trees, <br />gutters, sewers, other public improvements,including utility mains <br />or services. <br />(c) Within the thirty (30) foot triangle of private property <br />at the intersection on any streets improved for vehicular traffic, <br />any tree limb, shrub gr plant regehing a height more than three <br />feet above the street center adjacent thereto, except tree trunks <br />having no limbs lower than nine (9) `set above street center. <br />(d) Vines or climbing plants growing into or over any street <br />tree; or any public hydrant, pole or electrolier. <br />(e) Existence of any tree within the City Limits that is in- <br />fested, infected or in danger of becoming infested or infected with <br />objectionable insects, scale, fungus or growth injurious to trees. <br />- 2 - <br />