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4/19/2016 2:37:04 PM
Creation date
4/4/2016 3:00:53 PM
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Adopting a Uniform Building, Plumbing, Gas and Electrical Code, Regulating the Construction, Alteration, Renovating and Remodling of Buildings, the Installation of Plumbing, Gas and Electrical Facilities and Appliances, the Issuance of Permits Therefor, Providing for the Enforcement Thereof and Penalties for Its Violation, All as Embraced in All of the Provisions of the Uniform Building Code (1955 Edition) of the International Conference of Building Officials Inc; The Standard Gas Code (1955 ed.) and Uniform Plumbing Code (1955 ed.) Both of the Western Plumbing Officials Association Inc. and the National Electrical Code (1956 ed) Published by the National Fire Protection Association, and Providing the Regulations and Establishing the Position of Building Official.
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SECTION q: This Ordinance shall not be construed as imposing <br />upon e Town of Los Altos Hills any liability or responsibility <br />for damages resulting from defective building, plumbing or electri- <br />cal work; nor shall the Town of Los Altos Hills or any official or <br />employee thereof be held as assuming any such liability or <br />responsibility by reason of the inspection authorized thereunder. <br />SECTION 10: This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an <br />emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the <br />public peace, health, safety and general welfare of the people of <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills, and shall take .effect immediately upon <br />its adoption. The following is a statement of the facts found and <br />determined by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />showing the urgency of this Ordinance. <br />The Town of Los Altos Hills was incorporated January 27th, <br />1956, and there has not been sufficient time for the adoption of <br />efficacious building controls, and regulations affecting the instal- <br />lation of plumbing, gas and electrical facilities. That the City is <br />situated in an area where there is considerable building activity; <br />that if such construction and installations for plumbing, gas and <br />electricity are not regulated and controlled, there is grave danger <br />that minimum health and safety requirements will not be met; that <br />there are serious threats that such construction and installations <br />without such minimum requirements will occur and that the occurrence <br />of the same will jeopardize the public peace, health, safety and <br />general welfare of the people of Los Altos Hills. For these reasons <br />it is necessary that this Ordinance take effect immediately, and an <br />Ordinance such as this one is required by termination of the <br />contract for services with the County of Santa Clara to provide a <br />basic service guide, remuneration and protection to the City. <br />SECTION 11: If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of <br />thisrb-3Inance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or <br />invalid, said decision shall not affect the validity of the remain- <br />ing portion of this Ordinance. This Council hereby declares that <br />it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, sentence, <br />clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or <br />some other section, sentence,clause, or phrases be declared <br />unconstitutional or invalid. <br />SECTION 12: This Ordinance shall be posted by the City Clerk <br />in three pu c places heretofore designated by the City Council by <br />resolution and take effect on February 28th, 1957. <br />This Ordinance was read once in its entirety and adopted as an <br />Emergency Ordinance at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills on the 25th day of February, 1957, by <br />the following vote: <br />AYES: <br />Bledsoe, <br />Fowls, Hoefler, <br />and Mayor Treat <br />NOES: <br />None <br />ABSENT: Rothwell <br />Sidney W. Treat <br />Mayor <br />(Signed) R. G. Paulman <br />City Clerk <br />CERTIFIED <br />A rue fOy <br />City Cler- k �—" <br />Page 3. <br />
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