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to J <br />(0) "Frontage". All property abutting one side of a road. <br />(P) "Garage, Frivate". A building or an accessory to a main <br />building providing for the etorage of automobiles. <br />(Q) "Home Occupation". An .ccupation carried on by the resi- <br />dent of a dwelling as a secondary use within the same dwelling, gar- <br />age or accessory struc-ure. <br />(R) "Lot". Land occupied or to be occupied by a building <br />and accessory buildings together with such yards and lot area as <br />are required by the Zoning Ordinance, <br />(S) "Lot, Corner". A lot abutting on two (2) or more inter- <br />secting roads. <br />(T) "Non -Conforming Use". A building or land occupied by a <br />use that does not conform to the regulations for the district in <br />which it is situated. <br />(U) "Roads Public" A road which has been dedicated or <br />deeded to the pu ac or public use and which may or may not have <br />been accepted for maintenance. <br />(V) "Setback Building Lino". A line established by this <br />Ordinance or by the�own—`Standards to govern the placement of <br />buildings with respect to right-of-way center lines, property lines <br />or other buildings. <br />(W) "Structure". Anything constructed or erected which re- <br />quires location oa the ground, including swimming pools", but not <br />including fences, walls used as fences, underground utility facil- <br />ities. <br />(x) "Structure Non-Confo9jn " A structure or a portion <br />thereof, which no onger con orms to site area, coverages, yard or <br />other open space, or height regulations or other regulations pre- <br />scribing physical development standards for the district in which <br />it is located. <br />(Y) "Use". The purpose for which land or a building is <br />arranged, designed or intended, or for which either land or a <br />building is or may be occupied or maintained. <br />(Z) "Yard". An open space, unoccupied and unobstructed from <br />the ground uppwrurexcept as otherwise provided in this Ordinance. <br />(1) Yard Front. A yard extending across the full width <br />of the site, the dem pth of which is the minimum horizontal distance <br />between the front property line of the site and the nearest part of <br />a structure on the site. The front property line sh^.11 be deemed <br />as abutting a street or road, or in the case of an interior lot, the <br />private road or driveway which provides primary access to the <br />dwelling. <br />(2) Yard Rear. A yard extending across the full width <br />of the site, the dtpth of which is a minumum horizontal distance be- <br />tween the rear property line of the site and the nearest part of a <br />structure on the site. <br />(3) Yard Side. A area bounded by the Front and Rear Yards, <br />one property lane, and one building line of the residence. <br />7-21-59 - 3 - <br />