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6/28/2016 11:18:39 AM
Creation date
4/4/2016 4:08:59 PM
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Establishing, Regulating and Restricting the Use of Land and the Use, Location and Height and Bulk of Buildings, and Area and Dimensions of Building Sites: Providing for the Administration of the Ordinance: Establishing Procedures for Appeals and Prescribing Penalties for Violations and Repealing Ordinance No. 1
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SECTION III. DISTVCT <br />3:10 Creation and. Zone. The Town of Los altos Hills is hereby <br />declared to be one 1 district to be known as the Residential - <br />Agricultural District, and tho boundaries of said district are hereby <br />set and established as all the area within the present and future <br />exterior boundaries of the Tonin of Los Altos Hills. This shall be <br />called R-1 Zone. <br />SECTION IV. ADMINISTRATION AND PNFORCEMENT <br />4:10 Administration Officials. Except as otherwise provided <br />in this Ordinance, the City lark, Building Inspector or other de- <br />signated public official shall administer and enforce this Ordinance. <br />4:20 Buildi Permit Re uired. No structure or accessory <br />structure she a erected, or altered until a permit thereof has <br />been issued by the Building Inspector or other persons design^.ted <br />by the City Council. All applications and fees for such permits <br />shall be in accordance with the requirements of this or other <br />Ordinance, and no such building permit shall be_�&�sssuod for any <br />building where said construction, addition, or lAterations or other <br />use there would be a violation of any of the provisions of this or <br />other Ordinances. Provided, however, there may be issued permit <br />on authority of the City Council where, as hereinafter provided, a <br />special permit or a variance is deemed proper. <br />4:30 Matter Accofor erm <br />aStructure. ere s all sn edw tl appcia for s Nefwor <br />build- <br />ing permit two (2) copies of a layout or plot plan with a five (5) <br />foot contour interval and drawn to a suitable scale (1 in. equals <br />100 feet) showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, <br />the exact size and location on the lot of the building and accessory <br />buildings to be erected and such other information as may be <br />necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this or <br />other Ordinances. <br />4:40 Matter Accompan7ing Application for Permit for Alteration. <br />There shall be subm tted such plans and specifications as may be <br />deemed necessary by the Building Inspector to determine and provide <br />for the enforcement of this or other Ordinances. <br />SECTION V: PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES <br />5:10Primary dwellings. <br />5:20 f�iculture. <br />SECTION VI. PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES IND STRUCTURES <br />6:10 Home Occupation. Where the use is entirely subordinate <br />to the primary use of the premises for the home of a family. Where <br />there are not retail sales on the premises, there is no advertising <br />of any visible from off the premises, and no evidence from off the <br />premises of the business, where no parking more than normally <br />required for a residence is permitted and not over one assistant <br />outside the family unit is employed. The raising on the premises of <br />agricultural products and sale thereof is expressly excepted from <br />the provisions of this Ordinance but is subject to reasonable <br />regulations by the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />7-21-59 - 4 - <br />
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