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Building Permit, pfovided however, that prop o�d rou es of all <br />electrical distribution lines carrying current in excess of 15KV, <br />or the location of nublic utility structures requiring rights-of- <br />way of thirty feet (30') or more in width shall be submitted to the <br />Planning Commission for approval prier to acquisition of rights- <br />of-way therefor, and any construction thereon shall not commence <br />until said approval shall have been received." <br />7:80 Fire Stations. <br />7:90 of c�-i-cations. <br />7:100 Pr,ate Stable . The structure must be a minimum of six- <br />ty feet (60' from the property lines. 1 maximum of two (2) horses <br />per acre, provided the conditions are satisfactory to the Santa <br />Clara County Department of Health, or other agency in charge of <br />health standards for the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />7:110 Recreational Clubs. No gathering or event at a recrea- <br />tional club which will attracta group larger than the total club <br />membership or gather a number of automobiles in excess of the within - <br />site parking capacity of the club will be permitted without first <br />obtaining a special permit from the City Council. <br />7:120 Seconda Dwellin s. Subject to applicable provisions <br />of this or other orer or ire shall be permitted one secondary <br />dwelling on each parcel of land in one ownership which is of at <br />least one acre in net area. Where any such parcel contains less <br />than one and ninety-nine hundredths (1.99) acres in net area; no <br />kitchen plumbing or other kitchen facilities of any kind shall be <br />maintained or installed in any secondary dwelling, and such dwelling <br />shall be used only as a temporary residence for bona fide non-paying <br />guests of the residents of the dwelling on the sane parcel. <br />SECTION VIII. ARE/ COVERAGE .:ND BUILDING LIMITATrONS <br />8:10 Minimum Size of Lot. Minimum net area of any lot used <br />for a dwelling shall e forty-three th-)usand five hundred sixty <br />(43,560) square feet net with one (1) primary dwelling unit per lot. <br />Dimensions of lot must conform to Town Standards. <br />8:20 Floor Area. No building or combination of buildings shall <br />be hereafter erected, established or altered except in conformity <br />with the maximum gross floor area limitation of fifteen per cent <br />(15%) of the net lot area. <br />8:30 HeightdNo building shall hereafter be con- <br />structed or Fere to excee thirty (30) feet building height, ex- <br />cept upon the granting of a variance therefore. <br />8:40 Movement of Buildin s. No building shall be moved onto <br />any site in a own o ore o os . os Hills except by a permit granted <br />by the City Council of the Town of Los 11tos Hills, and, if granted, <br />to be upon conditions and restrictions deemed reasonable, and only <br />after a consideration and report of the Planning Commission. <br />SECTION IX. SETBACKS. <br />9:10 Setback Building Line. The setback building line shall <br />be thirty fee rom�operty line. Where the property line <br />abuts or is in the vicinity of a road, public or private, the setback <br />line shall be thirty feet (30') back from the future street right- <br />of-way line exisiting after all future or planned dedications for <br />road rights-of-way, or seventy-five feet (75') back from the center- <br />line of the roads, whichever shall'be the greater distance. <br />7-21-59 - 6 - <br />