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SECTION X. P UM40 <br />10:10 Facilities. "ach dwelling shall provide off-street park- <br />ing facilities for a minimum of four (4) cars in addition to the <br />driveway. <br />10:20 :'res. The parking !�.rca, exclusive of the driveway, shall <br />have a minimum of eight hundred (800) squnro feet. <br />10:30 Conditional Uses. The parking areas for conditional uses <br />must be adoquatc to accommodate all vehicle storage requirements for <br />maximum forseeable assemblies without resorting to adjoining roads or <br />interior driveways for parking. In no c^se shall the combined ground <br />coverages of structures, road ways, parking areas or other impervious <br />facilities exceed forty per cent (401) of the net area of the lot. <br />3^CTION RI. TR: S I'M SHRUBS <br />11:10 Trees and Shrubs. In an area bounded by the centerline <br />of intersect ng roads, public or private g end a straight line joining <br />points on these centerlines wighty feet 180') distant frogr their in- <br />tersection, all shrubs and plants sh^.11 be pruned to a height not to <br />exceed three feet (3') above the road level at its nearest point. In <br />this sane area, all side limbs of trees shall be pruned to a height <br />of not less than six feet (61) above the road surface. The purpose <br />of this requirement is to provide an unobstructed view of approach- <br />ing traffic on the intersecting roads. The Planning Commission may <br />prescribe greater restrictions on the heights and distances specified <br />in this section where unusual c -editions melte such additional re- <br />strictions desirable in the interest of public safety. <br />'SECTION %II. NON -CONFORMING USES <br />12:10 Continuation. Non -conforming use may not be changed, <br />enlarged or altered, nor shall the building, structure or premises <br />in which the same is located be enl =gad, reconstructed or structur- <br />ally altered, unless such use is changed to a use permitted by the <br />terms of this Ordinance. <br />12:20 Reversion to ConforminF, Use. ',Then any building or land <br />which has been used other than in conformity with the district of <br />which it is a part and when the Council, after due notice and hearing <br />thereon shall have found that the use has become dangerous, or injur- <br />ious to the public health, safety or welfare, such use shall forth- <br />with revert to the cle.wsific^.tion to which formed an exception. <br />Should any non -conforming use be changed to another use <br />not specifically authorized b, the provisions of this Ordinance, the <br />Council, after due notice and hearing thereon, may order the discon- <br />tinuance of the previously authorized non -conforming use and the re- <br />version to the classification to which it previously formed an ex- <br />ception. <br />Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent the reconstruction, <br />repairing, rebuilding and continued use of any non -conforming build- <br />ing or structure damaged by fire, collapse, explosion or acts of God, <br />subsequent to the date of this Ordinance t wherein the expense of such <br />work does not excaed fifty per cent (50%t of the assessed valuation <br />of the building or structure at the time such damage occurred. <br />12:30 Discontinuance. <br />non -conforming use shall be considered as perman- <br />ently discontinued and may not be resumed, if it is discontinued or <br />abandoned for one hundred eighty (180) days or more within any twelve <br />(12) consecutive calendar months. <br />7-21-59 - 7 - <br />