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(R) 4 non -conforming uses shal4o okanontly discon- <br />'.tinucd within twenty (20) years from the effective date of this Ordi- <br />nance. <br />SECTION XIII. CO7DITIO7'.L USES, V':.RI_Nrr,:, MCEPTIOt'S <br />13:10 lications andeels. <br />all conEach application form shall be <br />in writing ans tain the following information: <br />(L) 1hall refer to the specific provisions of the Ordi- <br />nance involved. <br />(B) Shall sat forth, as the case may be, (1) the inter- <br />pretation that is claimed or from which the appeal is made, (2) the <br />use for which e. special permit is sought or, (3) the details of the <br />variened that is applied for and the grounds upon which claim is made. <br />(C) Shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty dollars <br />(;20.00). <br />(D) Shall set forth the name and address of cash owner <br />of property wtthln;a distance of three hundred feet (300') from the <br />property as shown on the latest assessment roll of the County. <br />13:20 Procedure. <br />he Planning Commission shall near all a*plications. <br />(.') The Planning Commission may adopt such supplementary <br />procedures as necessary for the conduct of its business. <br />(C) Upon approval or conditional approval of an appeal or <br />application, the Planning Commission shall transmit its recommendation <br />to the City Council. <br />(D) The recommendation shall state the full record of <br />its findings made and shz.11 be filed in the office of the City Clerk <br />by appropriate reference. <br />(E) '. ruling shall be requested from the City :attorney <br />before any determination involving a question of law is made or of the <br />City Engineer in a case of engineering and such ruling shall also be <br />filed with application. <br />13:30 Notice and Roaring. No action of the Planning Cornission <br />on application for a permit, v^.riancc or appeal may be taken until a <br />public hearing is held, after notice is posted on Town bulletin boards <br />and notice is posted for at least three hundred feet (300') at approx- <br />im^,tely one hundred foot (100') intervals from each bound -Ty of the <br />property along the highway or street upon which it abuts or from any <br />access road or way to non -frontage property. Notice shall be sent by <br />mail to each property owner within a distance of 300 feet of the prop- <br />erty. Such notice must be given and posting done at least ten (10) <br />days prior to the date of hearing . <br />13:40 Council Review. :any action by the Planning Commission <br />on determination of an appeal, or granting of a permit or issuance of <br />a variance shall be reviewed at tho next reeting of the City Council <br />of thr Town of Los Altos Hills and shall be approved thereat, or ad- <br />journed to a fixed date, or subsequent date thereto, or shall be <br />denied or shall be returned to the Planning Commission for further <br />consideration after which the m^.tter ray again be considered in public <br />meeting by the City Council and either be approved or denied. <br />9 13:50 Resubrissian. n application for a, conditional use, var- <br />iance or excep ion' n which has been denied by the Council after proce- <br />dure as set forth abo,;e, may not be resubmitted by the applicant with- <br />in a period of one (1) year from the d^.tc of the fin..=.1 Council action. <br />13:60 Restrictionson:actio <br />en. No permit shall be issued nor <br />variance gran , except upon conditions that tho Planning Commission <br />7-21-59 - 8 - <br />