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dpams es*tial orusirablo for the public i re hand as approved <br />by the City Council in conformance with the following conditions: <br />(..) That the result of tb.- permit issued or variance <br />granted will be in h^.rnony with the genor.^.1 purpose and intent of this <br />Ordinance and, <br />(B) That the result will not be injurious to the:neigh- <br />borhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare, or affect <br />traffic conditions adversely, and <br />(C) That there are special circumstances or conditions <br />stated in the detorrination which apply to the law or structure or <br />use and peculiar thereto and do not anply generally to the land or <br />structure or use generally of the neighborhood or at lease a material <br />part thereof. <br />SECTION XIV. REGUL..TIONS <br />The Planning Commission nay recomrend, and the City <br />Council may adopt in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance <br />and in amplification thereof such regulations as they deer desirable <br />for the Town of Los .ltos Hills. Such regulations shall be typed or <br />printed and kept on file with tho City Clerk in the Town Hall and be <br />available for use of any interest party at any time during the office <br />hours of the said City Clerk. <br />"=ION XV. 7EXPORCEFi,TTT <br />':11 employees of the Town of Los 11tos Hills vested with <br />the duty or authority to issue permits shall conform to the provisions <br />of this Ordinance; any such perrit, certific^.te of license issued in <br />conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be null and void. <br />It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector of the Town of Los %.ltos <br />Hills to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance pertaining to erect- <br />ion, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteratioh, or <br />addition to any building or structure. <br />S3CTION XVI. 'J; : T ;PIENT <br />.'.ny structure erected, moved, altered, enlarged, or <br />maintained and any prop.rty used, c',ntrary to the provisions of this <br />Ordinance, shall be and is hereby d.ccl^rod to be unlawful and a public <br />nuisance. The City .'.ttorney, on referral thereof to him by the City <br />Council, shall irr.ediately institute necessary legal proceedings ap- <br />propriate for the abatorent, removal and enjoinmont thereof in the <br />manner provided by law and shall take such other steps as may be nec- <br />essary to accomplish those ends and to cause the structure or use to <br />be removed or abated and to restrain or enjoin the erecting, moving, <br />enlarging of the property or use contrary to the provisions of this <br />Ordinance. <br />SECTION XVII. VIOL.MON <br />In addition to any other provision of this Ordinance, <br />any person or entity violating any provision of this Ordinance shall <br />be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof may be punish- <br />ed by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars (^500.00) or by <br />imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days in any jail or commit- <br />ment facility used by the Town of Los ,ltos Hills or by both such <br />fine and inprisonnent. <br />SECTION XVIII. SEVER:BILITY <br />If any section, subsection, clause, phrase or sentenee <br />of this Ordinance be declared, for any reason, invalid or unconstitu- <br />7-21-59 - 9 - <br />