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�W i0 WJ <br />streets, for one-half of the distance which the subdivider would other- <br />wise be required to improve. The street improvement requirements en- <br />acted herein are declared to be independent of and in addition to any <br />other improvement requirements of the Town.. of I.os Altos Hills as may <br />be set forth in other ordinances, <br />SRCTION IV: The subdivider shall provide a bond with a <br />satisfactory surety and in an amount deemed reasonable by the City <br />Engineer and in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney to assure <br />performance of the satisfactory construction of all facilities re- <br />quired under the terms of this Ordinance, and for the maintenance <br />thereof, except as to Acts of God of unusual nature, for a period of <br />one (1) year after installation. <br />SECTION V: No final map shall be approved until such bond <br />has been furnished, or such facilities have been completed to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />SECTION VI: The City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />may, where it is deemed the public welfare would not be prejudiced, <br />and an extreme hardship exists, waive or modify any requirement of <br />this Ordinance, provided the purposes hereof are not there defeated. <br />SECTION VII: Sub -section "C" of `raragraph 5:10 of Section <br />V of Ordinance No. 35 of the Town of Los Altos Hills is amended to <br />read as follows: <br />(C) The City Council shall not approve any Final Map until <br />an agreement in writing has been submitted to the City Council support- <br />ed by Bond or Cash, or both and approved by the City Attorney whereby <br />the owner or subdivider has agreed to make in -tract improvements in <br />accordance with engineering plans arnroved by the City Engineer, or <br />until such improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the <br />City Engineer, whichever is the earlier. <br />SCTION VIII: 3xcent as herein amended, Ordinance No. 35 is <br />continued in full force and effect. <br />SECTION IX: Ordinance No. 39, Ordinance 7o. 41, Ordinance <br />No. 43, Ordinance No. 45, Ordinance No. 46, Ordinance No. 4'j are here- <br />by repealed. <br />SECTION X: If any section, sub -section, sentence, clause <br />or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or <br />unconsititutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdict- <br />ion, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining <br />portions of the Ordinance. The City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills, State of California, hereby declares that it would have passed <br />this Ordinance and each section, sub -section, sentence, clause and <br />phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other <br />sections, sub -sections, clauses or phrases be delcered invalid or un- <br />constitutional <br />S'CTION XI: This Ordinance shall be posted in three (3) <br />public places in the Town of Los Altos Hills and shall become effective <br />thirty (30) days after its adoption. <br />-2- <br />to-6-58 <br />