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6.1.1-2: License Tax <br />A license tax in the amount hereinafter r.ovided ahali be imposed upon <br />each and every dog, male or female, located in the County, end any <br />person owning or having custody or cant -.r of of one (1) or more dogs <br />located therein shall be liable for the payment of said license tax. <br />Such license tax shall be due and payable in advance on the let day of <br />July in each year. The license tax for each dog where the owner of <br />such dog shall present to the Director of Public Health a certificate of <br />a duly licensed doctor of veterinary medicine or such other person as <br />the Board of Supervisors may designate certifying that such dog has <br />been vaccinated with an approved anti -rabies vaccine which will provide <br />protection against rabies for the period for which the tax is paidshall <br />be two dollars ($2. 00). The license tax per annum for each dog for <br />which no certificate of vaccination as heretofore specified is presented <br />shall be three dollars and fifty cents ($3. 50) per annum. Where no <br />certificate of approved vaccination for the dog is presented by the owner <br />the license tax shall cover the cost of the vaccine and vaccination of <br />the animal to be provided by the Director of Public Health prior to the <br />issuance of the license, <br />If any person acquires ownership, custody or control of any dog sub- <br />sequent to the 1st day of July of any year, he shall immediately become <br />liable for the payment of said license tax, and the full amount thereof <br />shall be payable for any remaining fraction of such year. All monies <br />collected as a result of the license tax imposed herein, shall be paid to <br />the Treasurer of the County. <br />The Director of Public Health may arrange for community clinics <br />at convenient times and places throughout the County where owners <br />may bring their dogs for vaccination. <br />6. 1. 1-2. 1 s Determination of Ownership <br />Any person harboring or keeping any dog for ten (30) or more con- <br />secutive :lays shall be deemed to be the owner thereof with the <br />meaning of this Article. <br />6.1.1-3: License Provisions <br />Upon payment of the license fee and the presentation of a certificate of <br />approved vaccination of the dog, the Director of Public Health shall <br />issue a license signod by him and stating the name and residence of <br />rile rcrscn to whom the license is issued, the amount paid, the date of <br />issuance and expiration thereof, the date and place of vaccination, and <br />a desc:.•-ption of the dog for v;hlch such license is issued, together with <br />of the metallic tag accompanying the same. <br />-4- <br />