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1 60 <br />6.1.1-3.. MetalTags <br />With each such dog licenaa there shall be irsncd F. s-,xetal is -g %ith a. <br />number, the year for which issued, and the worde,. ".S. C. Ce. Clog <br />License" inscribed thereon. Such tag aha -.l be securely fixed to the <br />collar, harness, or some other device, which shall at all times be <br />worn by the dog for which such license is issued, except when such <br />dog remains indoors or in an enclosed yard or pen. All tags shall <br />be numbered in rotation. <br />6.1.1-3. Z� Record of Licenses <br />The Director of Public Health shall keep a proper record of all lic- <br />ensea issued by him together with a description of the dog for which <br />such license is issued. <br />6, 1. 1-4e Exemptions <br />The provisions of this Article shall not apply to dogs leas than. nirety {got <br />days old, nor to dogs owned by or in charge or iin rzustedy of any person <br />who is a non-resident of the County, traveling through the aamn, or tenh- <br />porarily sojourning therein for a period trot excoed ng fifteen Q51 days, <br />nor to dogs temporarily brought into said Co,w�tp for tha purpcon of entering <br />the same in an event. show, or exhibition,and, which areactu3lty entered <br />in and kept at such show or exhibition, or to dogs on male in duly tirenacd <br />pet shops, nor to dogs owned, kept or controlled by any p+nrsor, `9.rrre or <br />corporation maintaining a duly licensed dog kennel„ provided that such dogs <br />are kept enclosed withir. ouch dog Iicinkel or petshop, and providcd further <br />that no unlicensed dogs shall be allowed to run at large. Provided„ further,; <br />that such person mairta.ikong a dog k.exenei or pet shop shall pay an annual <br />license tax is the amount of Ten Dollars h$10. 009 per aruLum at the name <br />time as hereto above apteificel. <br />No lice.nae tax shall be reSu/.reed with respecr to licenses and tags issued <br />for dogs which have beer" honvcrably discharged or released from the <br />service of the Arn led Forces of the Unitised. States, or dogs which have been <br />rp ^cifiraLly tratnod amJ are, prune+.pally used for the purpose of leading <br />p.r7"ons w+th defective <yesaght. <br />Utkga`-ful to xrrn unl'crc,sed Do <br />No person shall hava, harbor, or keep assy ueliceused dog in the Courcy, <br />or permit or alloy. any unliceizsed dog to :cemaith oe any premises under <br />his control or in his possession contrary to the provisions of this <br />Article. <br />-5- <br />