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Ar- <br />-4- <br />L. Departmental Cooperation: It shall be the duty <br />of all subordinate officers and the Cite Clerk, City Treasurer, <br />City Engineer and City Attorney to assist the City Managerin <br />administering the affairs of the City efficiently, economically <br />and harmoniously so far as may be consistent with their duties <br />as prescribed by law and ordinances of the City. <br />M. Attendance at Commission and Board Meetings: The <br />City Manager may attend any andall meetings of the Planning <br />Commission, and any other Commission, Boards or Committees <br />hereafter created by the City Council, uror his own volition or <br />upon direction of the City Council. At such meeting which the <br />City Manager attends, to shall be heard by such Commission, <br />Boards or Committees as to all matters uron which he wishes to <br />address the members thereof, qnd he shall inform said members <br />as to the status of any matter being considered by the City <br />Council and he shall coor.erate to the fullest extent with the <br />members of all Commissions, 3oards or Committees arpointed by <br />the City Council. The City Manager shall from time to time re- <br />tort to the City Council concerning: his attendance at any such <br />meeting. <br />N. :,dlitional Duties: It shall be tae duty of the <br />City "lana--er to perform such other duties and exercise such <br />other powers as may be dele,ated to him from tiy.e to time by <br />ordinance or resolution or other action of the City Council. <br />SDCTION VII, R71F07AL OF P'L'JTA9ER: In case of his in- <br />tended removal by the Council, the Manager shall be furnished <br />with a written notice stating the Council's intention to re- <br />move him and reason therefor at least thirty (30) days before <br />the effective date of lis removal. :Phe Council, in -emoving <br />the S'.anager, shall use its uncontrolled discretion and its <br />action shall be final, and shall not depend upon any particular <br />showing or degree of rrcof, although the Manager shall be af- <br />forded an onnortunity to publicly present to the Council his <br />grounds of oprosition to removal i�rior to Council action re- <br />moving him. <br />.SECTION VIII. LI*_tITATIJ OF R7,M07AL: Notwithstand- <br />ing the provisions of this ordinance hereinbefore enumerated, <br />the City Manager shall not be removed from office durin or <br />within a period of thirty (30) days next succeeding any general <br />