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SECTION 1.7: Parkway. <br />That portion of a street other than a roadway ora sidewalk. <br />SECTION 1,8, Pedestrian. <br />,Any person afoot. <br />SECTION 1.9• police Officer. <br />Every officer of such agency aF may be acting as the Police <br />Department of this city or any officer authorized to direct or reg- <br />ulate traffic or to make axrests for violations of traffic regulations. <br />SECTION 1.10. Stop. <br />When required, mean complete cessation of movement. <br />SECTIO7 1.11. Stop or Stand. <br />',then prohibited means any stopping or standing of a vehicle, <br />whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with <br />Other traffi or in compliance with the directions of a police officer <br />or official traffic control device. <br />SFCTIOIT. l.12. Vehicle Code. <br />The Vehicle Code of the State of California. <br />ARTICIr TI <br />7`7FIC °.DT'IITTI''TRATION <br />SECTION 2. Duties of Police Chief. <br />The Police Chief of the Town of Too Altos Hills shall exer- <br />cise the powers and duties as provided in this ordinance and in the <br />traffic ordinances and resolutions of this city. If the Police Chief <br />is required or authorized to place or maintain official traffic con- <br />trol devices or signals, he Tay cause such devices or signals to be <br />pllced. or'maintained. <br />SECTION 2.1. Delegotion of Towers to Police Chief. <br />It shall be the general duty of the Police Chief to determine <br />the installation. and proper timing and maintenance of traffic con- <br />trol devices and signalr, to conduct engineering analyses of traffic <br />accidents ;?n-'. to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering and <br />traffic investigation of traffic conditions and to cooperate with <br />other city officials in the development of ;-gays and means to improve <br />traffic conditions, and to carry out the additional rowers and duties <br />imposed by ordinances of this city, �henever, by theProvisionsof this <br />ordinance a power is granted to the police Chief or a duty imposed upon <br />I <br />im, the power may be exercised or the duty performed b -y his deputy or <br />b.�. a person authorized inwriting by him. <br />-2_ <br />