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ENFORC'J'R;NT AND O�T_?DIENCV TO TR,FFIC <br />REGULATIONS. <br />3ECTION_3 kuthority of Folic and wise Department Officials <br />Officers of the Police Department andisubh.officcrs-as are - <br />assigned b,� the Chief of Police are h4eby a(thorized to direct all <br />traffic by voice, hand, audible or other signal in conformance with <br />traffic laws, except that in the event' a Eire or other emergency <br />or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pd�lesfrians, officers of the <br />I:olice Department or members of the Fire Department may direct traffic <br />as conditions may require, notwithstanding tha provisions to the contrary <br />contained in this ordinance or the Vehicle Code. <br />SF'CTION 3.1.Fersors other Than Officials�3hall Not Direct <br />Traffic. <br />No person other than an officer of the Police Department or <br />members of the ^ire Department or a person authorized buy the Chief <br />of Police or a person authorized by law shall direct or Attempt to <br />direct traffic by voice, hand or other signal, except that persons <br />may operate, when and as herein provided, any mechanical pushbutton <br />signal erectedby order of the Police Chief. - <br />S7CTIONT 3.2. Obedience to Police or Authorized Officers. <br />No person shall fail or refuse to comply with or to perform <br />any act forbidden b-, any lawful order, _signal, .or- direction ofa <br />traffic or police officer, or a member of the Fire Department, or. a <br />person authorized by the Chief of Tolice or b., law. <br />S^CTION 3.3. authority of Felice in Crowds and at Places <br />`Jhere Large Numbers of People and Vehicles are to Be Oathered or,, <br />Have Gathere,1.. <br />Nothing in this ordinance shall be construedto prevent any <br />police officer from prohibiting any person from parking any vehicle <br />upon or using any street, sidewalk or path, or from prohibiting any <br />pedestrian from using any street, sidewalk or path; and police off-' <br />icers shall have authority to direct the parking of vehicles in any <br />reasonable way, manner or direction, and it is hereby declared to be <br />unlawful for any person to fail to Dromptly obey th-a said police <br />officer's order, signal or command r.-gardless of any other n_rovision of <br />the ordinance. <br />-33 <br />