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�(C) The pvovisions`6Y' this ordinance rebuiwti(_o <br />standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a city'department <br />or public utility while necessarily in use for construction of repair <br />work or any vehicle ownedor operated by the United States lost Office <br />Department while in use for the collection, transportion or delivery of <br />United 7tates mail. <br />SGCTI�N 3.9. Resort of Damage to Certain Fro ert, <br />(A) The oper^tor of a vehicle or the person in charge of any animal <br />involved in any accident resulting in damage to any property publicly <br />owned or owned b- a public utility, including but not limited to any <br />fire hydrant, Parking meter, limhting post, telephone pole, electric <br />light or power pole, or resulting in dam-ge to any tree, traffic control <br />device or other property of a like nature located in or along any street, <br />shall �Fithin twenty-four (24) hours .after such accident make a written re- <br />port of such accident to the Police Department of this city. <br />(B) Every such report shall state the time ,hen and the place <br />where the accident took place, the name and address of the person owning <br />and of the person over ting or in charge of such Vehicle or animal, the <br />license number of every such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the <br />property damage in such accident. <br />(C) The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident shall not <br />be subject to the r�,quirements or penalties of this section if and during <br />the time he is Physically incapable of making a report, but in such <br />event he shall make a report as required in subdivision (A) wit'::in <br />twenty-four (24) hours after regaining ability to make such report. <br />S,CTION 3.10. When Vehicles Nay Be Removed From Streets. <br />Any regularly employed and salaried officer of the Police Department <br />of this city nay remove or cause to be removed: <br />(2) .=ny vehicle that has been parked or left standing upon a <br />street or highway for one hundred twenty (120) or mord consecutive hours. <br />(B) .ny vehicla which is parked or left standing upon a street or <br />highway between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 F.H. when such parking <br />or standing is prohibited by .ordinance or resolution of this city and <br />signs are posted giving notice of such removal. <br />(C) .any vehicle which is parked or left standing upon a street or <br />highway where the use of such street or highway or a portionthereof is <br />necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or <br />highway or for the installation of underground utilities or where the <br />-5- <br />