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(.' <br />SECTION 4.2 Obedience to Traffic Control Devices. <br />The operator of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any <br />official traffic control device placed in accordance with this ordinance <br />unless otherwise directed by a police officer or other authorized per- <br />son subject to the exceptions granted the operator of an authorized - <br />emergency vehicle when responding to emergency calls. <br />SECTION 4.3 Installation of Traffic 2ianals. <br />(A) The Police Chief is hereby directed to install and maintain <br />official traffic signals at those intersections and other places where <br />the Council. has determined that traffic conditions are such as to re- <br />quire that the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released <br />in order to Prevent or relieve traffic congestion onto protect life <br />or property from exceptional hazard. <br />(B) The Felice Chief shall ascertain and determine the locations <br />where such signals are required by field investigation, traffic counts <br />and other traffic information as may be pertinent and his determinations <br />therefrom shall be made in accordance with those traffic engineering <br />and safety standards and instructions set forth in the California Main- <br />tenance Manual issued by the Division of Highways of the atate Depart- <br />ment of Public 'dorks. <br />(C) "1henever the Police Chief installs and maintaiis an <br />official traffic signal at any intersection, he shall likewise erect <br />and maintain at such intersection street name signs visible to the <br />principal flow of traffic unless such street name signs have pre- <br />viously been placed and are maintained at any said interaction. <br />SSSCTION 4.4. Lane Marking. <br />The Police Chief is hereby authorized to mark_ center lines and <br />lane lines upon the surface ofth road•ray to indicate the cour8e. to <br />be traveled by vehicles and nay place signs temporarily designating <br />lanes to be used by traffic moving in a pa-ticular direction, regard- <br />less of the center line of the highway. <br />OEC.?I OI7 4.5.Distinctive Roadway Markings. <br />The Police Chief is authorized to place and maintain di.s- <br />tirctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Code on those <br />.Streets or pa-ts of streets where the volume of traffic or the ver- <br />tical or other curvature of the -road ::gay renders it hazardous to drive <br />on the left side of such marking or sign and markings. -'uchimarking <br />or signs and marking shall have the same effect as similar markings <br />rlaced by the State Department of Public 'forks Pursuant to provisions <br />of the Vehicle Code. <br />-7- <br />