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SUCTION 4.5. s.uthority to Remove_, Relocate and Discontinue <br />Traffic Control Devices. <br />The Police Chief is hereby authorized to remove, relocate or <br />discontinue the operation of any traffic control device not <br />specifically required b7 the Vehicle Code or this ordinance -,henever <br />he ^nd the Citi? Council shall determine in any particular case that the <br />conditions which ,,arranted or required the installation no longer exist <br />or obtain. <br />97CTION 4.7. Traffic Control Devices: Hours of Operation. <br />The Police Chief shall determine th hours €,ndda�rra dw�in,-- �,�ihi ch <br />.any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, <br />except in those cases where such hours or day^ are specifiedby the <br />City Council. <br />33CTION 4.8. Unauthorized Painting of ('urbs. <br />Yo person, unless authorized by this city shall paint any street '. <br />or curb surface; provided, however, th-t this section shall not apply <br />to the painting of numbers on a curb surface b -r any person who has <br />complied with the provisions of any resolution or ordinance of this <br />city pertaining thereto. <br />ARTTCIZ.. V <br />TURNING NOV'F—NT3 .. <br />6-CTION 5.-,luthority to i'lace and Obedience to Turning <br />Markers. Intersections. Multirle Lanes. <br />(A) The Police Chief i^ authorized to place markers, buttons, <br />or signs within or adjacent to intersections ani indicating the course <br />to be traveled by vehicles turnin- at such intersections, and the <br />Police Chief is authorized to locate and indicqte more than one lane <br />of traffic from which drivers of vehicles ma;: mcke r;g;-_t or lcft hand <br />turns, and the course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to ^,r <br />be other than as prescribed b law or ordinance. <br />(B) '.Then authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are <br />plated within an intersection indicating the course to be tre.v=led by <br />vehicles turningthereat, no driver of a v�hicic =.hall disobey the <br />directions of such indications. <br />`i CTICTT 5.1. 4uthority to Place Restricted Turn 'i_.Tns. <br />The Police Chief is hereby authorized to determine those <br />intersections at which drivers of vehicle; shall not make a right, left, <br />or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The <br />making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of ;any day <br />