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( ( 1 <br />and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly <br />indicated on the ^.igns or they may be removed when such turns are <br />permitted. <br />SECTION 5.2. Obedience to No -Turn Signs. <br />'dhenever authorized signs are erected indicating that no right <br />or left or U turn is permitted, oo driver of a. vehicle shall disobey <br />the directions of any such sign. <br />OECTION 5.3• Signal"Controlled Intersections -- Right "_'urns. <br />(A) No driver of a. vehicle shall make a right turn ^ga.inst a red <br />or stop signal at any intersection which is sign -posted giving notice <br />of such restriction as hereinafter provided in this section. <br />(B) The Police Chief shall post appropriate signs giving effect <br />to this section where he determines that the making of right turns <br />against a traffic signal "stop" indication !-could seriously interfere <br />with the safe and orderly flow of traffic. <br />ARTICL3 VI <br />07--.74Y STR7� -,T AND 6LL3YS <br />SECTIO?? 6. The Police Chief to Sign One-', and Raleys. <br />Whenever any ordinance or resolution of this city designates <br />any one-way street or alley, the Police Chief shall rlace .and maintain <br />signs giving notice thereof, and no such re.gul^tionsshall be effective <br />unless such signs are in place. -igns indicating the direction of <br />ful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where move- <br />ment of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited. <br />^RTI CLE VII <br />SPE'CIeL 17073 R-;^L'I3ED <br />'7CTION 7. The Police 'hie£ to '=rect :?,top ^igns. <br />/henever any ordinance or resolution of this city designates <br />and describes xny street or portion thereof as a through street, or <br />any intersection at which vehicles are required to star at one or mere <br />entrances thereto, the Police Chief shall erect and maintain stop signs <br />as follows: <br />A stop sign shall be erected on each and every street intersect- <br />ing such through street or portion thereof so designs ted and 3t these <br />entrances of other intersections where a stop is required and at any . <br />railroad grace crossing sc designated. D'very such sign shall conform <br />with, and shall be placed r.s provided in, the Vehicle %'ode. <br />M <br />