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.r r <br />SECTION 4. Standards and Conditions. The Planning Commis- <br />sion and the City Council shall impose as conditions of approval <br />such requirements as may be in their opinion reasonably neces- <br />sary to protect the public health, safety and welfare and to eli- <br />minate unreasonable risks and burdens to the site, its intended <br />occupants, and surrounding properties. These requirements may <br />include, without limitation, improvements for streets, surface <br />and sub -surface drainage and support, sewage disposal, grading, <br />access and such other matters as may then be required under sub- <br />division and other ordinances then in effect, and such other <br />conditions as may be suggested or required by the various agen- <br />cies reviewing the application and map. The Planning Commission <br />and City Council may impose reasonable conditions in addition <br />to the foregoing as each situation necessitates, governed by <br />the particulars of each case, and in order to carry out the pur- <br />poses of this ordinance and to protect the public health, wel- <br />fare and safety. <br />SECTION 5. Improvement Agreement Bonds and Insurance. <br />If conditions of tentative approval require the construction of <br />improvements which are not completed prior to application for <br />final site approval, the owner or owners shall enter into a writ- <br />ten agreement with the City, said agreement to be secured by suf- <br />ficient cash or surety bond, agreeing to complete said improve- <br />ments within such time as shall be fixed by the City Council and <br />mentioned therein, and including maintenance of such improve- <br />ments for a period of one (1) year following their acceptance by <br />the City. The Planning Commission and City Council may require <br />such additional bonds and insurance as may be reasonably neces- <br />sary under circumstances of the particular application. All <br />such agreements, bonds and insurance shall be subject to approval <br />as to form by the Town Attorney. <br />SECTION 6. Additional Requirements. In any case in which <br />either the Planning Commission or the City Council shall find <br />that the public interest requires the filing of additional in- <br />formation and maps, such additional information and maps as then <br />specified shall be required to be filed as a condition precedent <br />to the approval of the application. Such additional requirements <br />may include, without limitation, the filing of tentative and <br />-2- <br />